10 Things You (Probably) Don’t Know About Me

Elise Edmonds
Adlers Writing
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2018


Thanks for the tag edh lamport and Georgia Lewitt !

  1. If you know me just a little, you probably know that I own two cats and love all things cat related. You may not know that I also own a bearded dragon. Meet Nightshadow as he chills in his reptile hammock. He’s a year old, and lives in a large vivarium in our lounge:

2. Although I’m a respectable (i.e. boring) accountant these days, I’ve had various filler jobs in my life, including school lunchroom assistant, peripatetic music teacher, double glazing salesperson, and kitchen knife salesperson. From this, I learnt that if you want to diet, be a lunchroom assistant because after an hour scraping kid’s leftovers in a bin, you really won’t fancy eating for some time to come. I also learnt that I’m a terrible salesperson.

3. I think that housework is one of humankind’s most pointless endeavours because no sooner do you clean something than it’s dirty again. Consequently, I lack serious motivation where chores are concerned.

4. My favourite food is probably pizza. This is a particularly nice one that I had out the other day:

5. I first attempted to write a book when I was around ten years old. It remained unfinished, and was in the style of Enid Blyton. Over the years, I tried writing on and off for years, with the somewhat vague dream that one day I’d like to write a book. It was just over four years ago that I started writing seriously, with my final attempt to actually produce a book. And with the help of the good folks at Scribophile, I finally achieved this dream. Now I want to finish the next one :)

6. Before I got into novel writing seriously, I got into blogging. I first discovered blogs when I was on a health & fitness kick. Since then I’ve owned and/or contributed to a weight loss blog, a food blog, a Christian blog, two writing blogs, and Medium. I used to read a ton of blogs, but I don’t really have the time anymore, except for a few writing ones.

7. I love nature. But not in a particularly knowledgeable way and not all the time. I just like to take a day to get away from things now and then. There’s nothing quite like peace and quiet in the great outdoors:

8. I’m seriously addicted to a game on my phone called Cross-Stitch World. It’s a bit like doing paint by numbers — you fill in coloured squares to make pretty patterns, and every square looks like a tiny stitch. I play it so much it makes my fingers stiff sometimes — d’oh. It’s very relaxing though, and I love watching the patterns come to life.

9. My favourite animal to see at the zoo is the ring-tailed lemur. I’ve been fascinated with them since I was a kid. My local wildlife park does ‘look after the lemur days’ of some kind. I think they are aimed at kids, but one day I am going to go and do it.

10. My favourite colour is turquoise. A lot of the things I wear are turquoise, blue or green, or some variation thereupon. Although around the house, I tend to favour neutral decor. That’s more for reasons of practicality though.

I hope you enjoyed this little look into my life. More fiction will follow in the near future!

I’m not tagging anyone else, because many of my Medium friends have been tagged already, but if you’ve read this and fancy giving it a go, consider yourself tagged :)

Link to other author’s Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Me



Elise Edmonds
Adlers Writing

Magic Writer! YA Fantasy Fiction. Revels in Magic and Mayhem. Supports Indie Authors. Lover of Cats & Dragons. Introvert. Brit. http://magicwriter.co.uk