(50) Number 50!! (something I wrote 10 years ago)

4 min readNov 7, 2018


No copywrite intended…please don’t sue lol

I wrote this September 17th, 2008 at 7:05 pm. STILL ever so relevant now! Just a tribute to all of my fans out there — thank you! I appreciate you sticking with me through 50 posts. Love y’all. WHATEVER you want to do, make sure you JUST DO IT…and don’t let anyone stop you:

I tell you man, people really go so fast in life that they lose perspective. What is life REALLY about? I know one thing, it’s not about making the best GRADES because good grades don’t equal success 100% of the time (whatever success may be to you)…it’s not about making the most MONEY because you can have money but no friends…It’s not about landing the best JOB because you can work all the time and not see your family…it’s not about having the flyest CAR or the most WOMEN/MEN (take your pick depending on your sexual orientation) or the best CLOTHES because all of these things (and more) can be taken from you forever at the drop of a hat by your LIFE being taken.

Life is not about any of the previous examples, yet these are things that make students and people take away their precious lives everyday. We are SO FRAGILE as humans and we forget that LIFE ENCOMPASSES ALL THINGS (I’m not going biblical for the sake of your attention span). You are LUCKY/BLESSED (whatever you want to call it) to be yourself!! NO ONE is better than another person just because they make more MONEY, or because they have a DIAMOND necklace, but yet society makes us feel as though they are — and that you need one or one of each. Because I don’t have the best cell phone out, Should I stress myself out and kill myself when I don’t really NEED one to survive? A lot of other people go broke to “keep up with the jones’”. It’s like we’re in elementary school all over again getting picked on by society because we don’t have these luxuries. You don’t need ANY of these things. You really don’t need money — you could get along just fine without it because we could trade goods like civilizations did eons ago. Money is paper which is what it comes down to. I’m not saying to not do or get these things if you want them, I’m just saying to keep things in perspective. I think people want these things because they feel obligated — when they should WANT TO SURVIVE…PERIOD…MONEY EQUALS SURVIVAL in virtually everyone’s eyes nowadays. STAY IN YOUR LANE…that’s the philosophy I’m encorporating into my life.

I constantly find my days going by faster and faster because I realize that I have lost focus on what life is about. I go from class to class wondering, “how is this class/test/quiz going to make me survive better than I am right now?”. It’s not — at least not directly. It will HOPEFULLY give me the skills and knowledge so that I can get the JOB so that I can get the MONEY, so that I can SURVIVE — the main point of life (survival).

As humans, there is so much pressure put on us: deadlines, pressure to pay our bills, pressure to get to work or class on time. This pressure comes from the fact that people DON’T SLOW DOWN and evaluate life. Life is NOT about rushing through it. Have you ever heard the proverb “life is about the journey”? This pressure comes from the fact that people don’t SLOW down and reflect.

Is money worth it??(whatever “it” is to you) Is money really unique?? Diamonds are unique and favored because few people have diamonds. Virtually everyone has at least some sort of currency, so why is money so unique and favored? It’s because MONEY EQUALS SURVIVAL whether you’re talking about diamonds or not. So when you buy that chain, or nice car, what you’re really displaying to others is: “I am SURVIVING quite well, wouldn’t you want to SURVIVE like me?” Now granted, there are haters out there, and for them I wear my “hater-blockers” and you should to. I’m not saying hate on people so don’t get it twisted — I’m just merely saying that this is probably what is being displayed to others. I know this seems crazy but if you really think about it, most of you really do cherish life and survival but you just don’t stop to think about it.

All you really need is air in your lungs really. Everything that we need was already here on Earth at our disposal. Could you imagine if you had to pay for oxygen to breathe?? I mean let’s be real — people would quickly change their mindset — I know I would. So people, let’s slow down and live in the moment. Let’s cherish that we are here on Earth with one another. It is amazing that we are even here as living, breathing beings — I mean this is AMAZING to me!

At the end of the day, when you have all of these things or everything, you’ll still find something to be missing. Let’s just cherish life and survive, within our means. Let’s think about what we are trying to achieve in life — whether it be more for our family, making the world a better place, or whatever. SLOW DOWN AND REFLECT on what really matters in life. STOP AND THINK, “how was I picked to fill my flesh??” and then you will realize all of the wisdom I have just told you and will be humbled.

Thank you for your time. I am really humbled by my own words…I thank God for helping me to articulate my point as clearly as possible…If I have offended anyone, keep it moving because that was not the reasoning behind this…KEEP THE FAITH Y’ALL…one luv…I mean that…

— L.I.V.




Scientist, Music Artist, Traveler. Speaking my mind, one post at a time. SENSITIVE?? Not the page for you - 1st amendment. FEEL me, don't just follow me👍🏾.