How Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story Transformed Our View Of The Historical Drama

Muskan Purohit l Writerspire
5 min readJun 21, 2023


*Types in Lady Whistledown’s tone* Released in May 2023, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story is the highly anticipated continuation of the Bridgerton series. This captivating Netflix show has generated significant buzz, stirring discussions about the thought-provoking themes it addresses. While the conflicts portrayed may have sparked debate, I personally found them to be the highlights of the series. If you haven’t watched it yet, fear not! I’ll ensure this article won’t spoil the experience for you.

Captivating Storytelling

Queen Charlotte has managed to captivate my heart by fearlessly tackling conversations that were once taboo during that era. By shedding light on these controversial topics with sensitivity and respect, the creators have showcased how similar controversies have existed behind closed doors throughout history. Unsurprisingly, the show has already garnered a 94% approval rating among viewers.

Historical Accuracy and Fictional Elements

Created by the talented Shonda Rhimes, Queen Charlotte takes us back to the 18th century, presenting a blend of historical accuracy and fictional storytelling. While the series may not be entirely accurate, it delves into unexplored aspects that its predecessors left untouched. The show’s authenticity has generated significant hype, as people yearned to uncover the truth behind the era. However, there are other important reasons to focus on, which I’ll delve into shortly.

Unveiling Hidden Realities

At first glance, Queen Charlotte may appear as an old-fashioned period drama, depicting the customs and lifestyles of the past. However, a closer look reveals the underlying theme of individuals striving for change and improvement. The series masterfully portrays the pains of early marriages with significant age gaps, the inner turmoil of young widows, unsatisfying sexual relationships, same-sex romance concealed from society, the pressures faced by newlyweds, the impact of mental health disorders on families, the suppressed desires of women, racial tensions, and the complexities of motherhood, among other issues.

Exploring Characters and Themes

Let’s begin by discussing Lady Danbury, a character who endures a loveless marriage to an older man with whom she shares an unsatisfactory intimate life. Queen Charlotte sheds light on Lady Danbury’s backstory, revealing her battles fought within the confines of her home. Seeking solace, she chooses a life without her husband, unknowingly setting herself on a path to discover her true identity and assert her independence. Throughout her journey, Lady Danbury learns valuable lessons about love, sets boundaries with others, and forges meaningful friendships. Her story exemplifies how women often sacrifice their desires to please their husbands, and it takes a critical turning point for them to realize the importance of self-protection.

How Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story Transformed Our View Of The Historical Drama

Another compelling character is King George, who affectionately likes to be referred to as “Farmer George” during his “moods”. The series portrays King George’s struggle with an undisclosed mental disorder, shedding light on the lack of mental health treatment in that era. Queen Charlotte, despite her husband’s condition, remains devoted to her duties as both a queen and a wife, exemplifying strength and compassion in the face of adversity. And he in return, goes through a lot to love her back.

How Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story Transformed Our View Of The Historical Drama

Queen Charlotte herself emerges as a resilient fighter, discovering her husband’s hidden condition and fulfilling her brother’s wishes while advocating for her people. Despite her advanced age, she displays both harshness and vulnerability, the result of her personal traumas. Late in life, she realizes that she has prioritized her role as queen over her responsibilities as a mother, leading her to rectify this imbalance. Notably, Queen Charlotte’s character reflects a spark of feminism, underscoring her resilience and determination.

Powerful Relationships

Within the series, two notable relationships stand out. Reynolds and Brimsley, personal secretaries to the king and queen, share a clandestine love story that provides an escape from their demanding roles. While their relationship faces conflicts due to their duties, they navigate the challenges that come with being a same-sex couple in a society that offers no acceptance. As the show progresses, their story leaves an open ending, with Brimsley seen alone in later years, highlighting the struggles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals during that time.

How Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story Transformed Our View Of The Historical Drama
How Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story Transformed Our View Of The Historical Drama

Additionally, the friendship between Lady Danbury and Queen Charlotte showcases the strength of female bonds. They support one another, engaging in open discussions about various topics, including the importance of childbirth in marriage. This portrayal emphasizes the power of pure intentions within female friendships, which has recently faced criticism in contemporary society.

A Captivating Blend of Fun, Love, and Reality

Queen Charlotte successfully combines drama, entertainment, and empathy, making it an impactful viewing experience. By meticulously selecting and portraying crucial social issues, the series challenges our perception of historical fiction and drama. While some may find it slow-paced, I found it to be engrossing, as it possesses the ability to resonate with viewers on a profound level. If you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend it as a thought-provoking and entertaining series.

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story stands as a testament to the power of storytelling, offering viewers an engaging blend of historical accuracy and captivating narratives. By tackling crucial issues and portraying diverse characters, the series provides a fresh perspective on the era it depicts. I encourage you to give it a watch, as it promises an immersive and impactful experience.

How Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story Transformed Our View Of The Historical Drama



Muskan Purohit l Writerspire

Words and ideas can really change the world and that's exactly why I am here to express myself through it and make this world a better place to be in.