ZEEK TryHackMe writeup

5 min readAug 2, 2022


Zeek is a free and open-source software network analysis framework.

Zeek is a network security monitor (NSM) but can also be used as a network intrusion detection system (NIDS).(More)

Go Desktop/Exercise-Files/TASK-2

What is the installed Zeek instance version number?


What is the version of the ZeekControl module?


Investigate the “sample.pcap” file. What is the number of generated alert files?


Zeek Logs

Go Desktop/Exercise-Files/TASK-3

Investigate the sample.pcap file. Investigate the dhcp.log file. What is the available hostname?

  • Dhcp é um servidor que fornece ips a pcs quando se ligam á rede.

Investigate the dns.log file. What is the number of unique DNS queries?


Investigate the conn.log file. What is the longest connection duration?

cat conn.log | zeek-cut id.orig_h id.resq_h duration | sort -rn


Zeek Signatures

Go Desktop/Exercise-Files/TASK-5

Investigate the http.pcap file. Create the HTTP signature shown in the task and investigate the pcap. What is the source IP of the first event?

cd Desktop/Exercise-Files/TASK-5/http

nano http-password.sig

HTTP signature:

Command: Save and exit


Run zeek command:

zeek -C -r http.pcap -s http-password.sig

Investigate the http.pcap file. Create the HTTP signature shown in the task and investigate the pcap. What is the source IP of the first event?

cat signatures.log | zeek-cut src_addr

What is the source port of the second event?

cat signatures.log | zeek-cut src_port


Investigate the conn.log.
What is the total number of the sent and received packets from source port 38706?

cat conn.log | zeek-cut id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p proto service orig_pkts orig_ip_bytes resp_pkts


Create the global rule shown in the task and investigate the ftp.pcap file.Investigate the notice.log. What is the number of unique events?

Rule: ftp-bruteforce.sig:

zeek -C -r ftp.pcap -s ftp-bruteforce.sig


Investigate the notice.log. What is the number of unique events?

cat notice.log | zeek-cut uid | sort | uniq | wc -l


What is the number of ftp-brute signature matches?

cat signatures.log | grep “ftp-brute” | wc -l


Tip: to see the top of the file run:

cat notice.log | head -10

Zeek Scripts | Fundamentals

Go Desktop/Exercise-Files/TASK-6

Investigate the smallFlows.pcap file. Investigate the dhcp.log file. What is the domain value of the “vinlap01” host?

zeek -C -r smallFlows.pcap dhcp-hostname.zeek

cat dhcp.log


Investigate the bigFlows.pcap file. Investigate the dhcp.log file. What is the number of identified unique hostnames?

cat dhcp.log | zeek-cut host_name | sort -rn | uniq | wc -l

18 -1

Investigate the dhcp.log file. What is the identified domain value?

cat dhcp.log | zeek-cut domain


Investigate the dns.log file. What is the number of unique queries?

cat dns.log | zeek-cut query | grep -v -e’*’ -e’-’ | sort -rn | uniq | wc -l


Zeek Scripts | Scripts and Signatures

Go to folder Desktop/Exercise-Files/TASK-5/101.

Investigate the sample.pcap file with 103.zeek script. Investigate the terminal output. What is the number of the detected new connections?

zeek -C -r sample.pcap 103.zeek | grep “New Connection Found”| wc -l

Go to folder TASK-7/201.

Investigate the ftp.pcap file with ftp-admin.sig signature and 201.zeek script. Investigate the signatures.log file. What is the number of signature hits?

zeek -C -r ftp.pcap -s ftp-admin.sig 201.zeek

cat signatures.log | grep “ftp-admin” | wc -l


Investigate the signatures.log file. What is the total number of “administrator” username detections?

cat signatures.log | grep “administrator” | wc -l


Investigate the ftp.pcap file with all local scripts, and investigate the loaded_scripts.log file. What is the total number of loaded scripts?

zeek -C -r ftp.pcap local

cat loaded_scripts.log | grep “.zeek” | wc -l


Go to folder TASK-7/202.

Investigate the ftp-brute.pcap file with “/opt/zeek/share/zeek/policy/protocols/ftp/detect-bruteforcing.zeek” script. Investigate the notice.log file. What is the total number of brute-force detections?

zeek -C -r ftp.pcap /opt/zeek/share/zeek/policy/protocols/ftp/detect-bruteforcing.zeek


Zeek Scripts | Frameworks

Go Desktop/Exercise-Files/TASK-8

Investigate the case1.pcap file with intelligence-demo.zeek script. Investigate the intel.log file. Look at the second finding, where was the intel info found?

zeek -C -r case1.pcap intelligence-demo.zeek

cat intel.log


Investigate the http.log file. What is the name of the downloaded .exe file?

cat http.log | zeek-cut uri


Investigate the case1.pcap file with hash-demo.zeek script. Investigate the files.log file. What is the MD5 hash of the downloaded .exe file?

zeek -C -r case1.pcap hash-demo.zeek

cat files.log | zeek-cut md5


Investigate the case1.pcap file with file-extract-demo.zeek script. Investigate the “extract_files” folder. Review the contents of the text file. What is written in the file?

zeek -C -r case1.pcap /opt/zeek/share/zeek/policy/frameworks/files/extract-all-files.zeek

ls extract_files | nl

cd extract_files/

cat The_Extract_File

Microsoft NCSI

Zeek Scripts | Packages

Go Desktop/Exercise-Files/TASK-9

Investigate the http.pcap file with the zeek-sniffpass module. Investigate the notice.log file. Which username has more module hits?

zeek -Cr http.pcap /opt/zeek/share/zeek/site/zeek-sniffpass


Investigate the case2.pcap file with geoip-conn module. Investigate the conn.log file. What is the name of the identified City?

zeek -Cr case2.pcap /opt/zeek/share/zeek/site/geoip-conn

cat conn.log


Which IP address is associated with the identified City?

Investigate the case2.pcap file with sumstats-counttable.zeek script. How many types of status codes are there in the given traffic capture?

zeek -Cr case2.pcap sumstats-counttable.zeek

