What You Should Do When You Fall Into A Deep Depression?

Bo Wu
4 min readDec 20, 2019


From unsplash.com

Depression is a major and serious topic. So first of all, I have to let you know that I’m not a doctor, all the suggestions in this story are from a man who always suffering from depression, yea, me. And, all “depression” means Major Depressive Disorder in this article.

I hesitated to write this topic for a long time, I was afraid to give someone the wrong direction, but empathy often drives me to step right into someone’s shoes, so think that I should tell you all I know, without reserve.

Bad Happened Sometimes

One of the typical symptoms is that I often fall into deep depression without any reason or with unknown reason, suddenly. Remember at that moment, I got fighting mad, I was anxious to doing something but I didn’t know. I tried to smoke and calm down, but no luck. I couldn’t handle the furious sorrow or the other emotion, started to scratch my head, hit something or hurt my arm with the edge tools. Even more extreme, suddenly have the urge to leave this world, but I often pump the brakes on this caprice idea.

Make It As A Part Of Your Life

I have learned much relevant information and chatted with the other people who have the same experience. There is a growing body of evidence pointing to extreme anxiousness, panic or a mixed bipolar episode, the doctor told me the causes are very complex, overcome the fear is the first key.

I have learned much relevant information and chatted with the other people who have the same experience. There is a growing body of evidence pointing to extreme anxiousness, panic or a mixed bipolar episode, the doctor told me the causes are very complex, overcome the fear is the first key.

You know you never fear with influenza, right? A metaphor says that major depression is you just have a cold in your heart. Although I think depression is more serious than influenza, they have some common ground, one of the biggest is “self-limited”, it means that there is a possibility of self-healing as well as a cure by medicines. Don’t be on your guard for all possible dangers, just to be with it, as a part of your life.

So, do you feel a glimmer of hope? If unfortunately, you still feel fear with it, please continue to read.

Don’t Do Stupid, Do Nothing.

I promise that you’ll regret 99% of bad ideas when you suddenly fall into a deep depression. You may have to know depression makes your brain running slower than normal, many simple things become complex. The more you hard to think and struggle, the more difficult and suffering, maybe take a rest and do nothing is the only and better choice, at least don’t do anything stupid.

Find a place that can be called your home, feel safe and silent, wherever. Don’t force yourself to do anything, even stop thinking or stop crying. All things just like the ripple, you know it will destine to disappear. If you impatiently hit it by throwing the stone, it will stir up a bigger flower of water.

Take The Emotion Controller In Your Mind, Not The others

Do not complain about other people, such as why they don’t understand me, why they said this or that, why they hurt me… OK, although that’s true, it’s helpless to alleviate your suffering, it seems your emotion controller is in other peoples hand, you always don’t know when they will trigger it, right? Forget them, even if one minute.

Because you can’t find the answers. Again, your brain is running slower than normal when you are in a deep depression, the more you hard to think and struggle, the more difficult and suffering.

I know it’s hard, but we can train ourselves time and time again.

If Possible, Try To Go Sleep

I know difficulty falling asleep is another symptom of depression, but it’s not absolute. Sometimes, a deep depression can cause mental fatigue, I often feel sleepy at that time, no matter whether you can drop asleep or not, just try to close your eyes, that’s it.

Additionally, sometimes take melatonin is helpful, but not 100%. Also, you are already with medication, sedative medicine is needed at the right time with the right dosage. Please note, don’t stop the medicine rashly! Before you make any decision, ask your doctor's suggestion is always required.


I don’t know whether or not my suggestions are helpful, but they helped me a lot. Everyone is a different individual, so you should keep looking for your keys every time when you are down.

Wish you’ll be well soon, take care!



Bo Wu

WordPress / Shopify Developer, UI designer. Selling WordPress items on ThemeForest, and now focus on building project in public.