I Built An SEO Niche Site While Sitting At A Korean Airport, Here’s What Happened…

Thirty Days To X
3 min readApr 21, 2017


In December 2016, I had a 13 hour layover at the Incheon International Airport in South Korea.

With all that free time on my hands, I issued myself a challenge: write an entire website’s worth of content in under 13 hours. And, make it so good that it’ll rank well in Google.

Things like adding pictures or putting the site online could wait. This was just about finding a product to sell and writing a bunch of quality, SEO-friendly, content. A tough task, but still very doable.

(My Office For The Day)

By the end of my challenge, I’d created:

  • Nine articles, each ranging from 700–1,200 words.
  • One 700+ word “About” page.
  • An “Affiliate Disclosure” page (made by reworking an existing template I had).

None of the articles took more than an hour to write, and the affiliate disclosure was knocked out within 10 minutes.

Time So Far: 10 hours.

I also cheated (kind of), by coming up with some extra content ideas (like a YouTube video and picture guide) that I’d create later on. This meant there were about three pieces of content I created after my challenge was done.

However, none of these were writing based, so I’ll let it slide.

Anyway, I got my writing done, hopped on the plane, and watched Operation Chromite (Liam Neeson plays Douglas MacArthur!) while flying back to Iowa.

The following weekend, I:

  • Put the site online and scheduled each article for publication (took all of 45 minutes).
  • Added pictures and videos (30 minutes).
  • Created social media accounts to auto-promote new blog posts (15 minutes).

Time So Far: 10 hours for content + 90 minutes for technical details.

After that, I sat back and let things run on autopilot.

So? How’d the site do?

From December until now, I’ve received a total of 3,087 pageviews. That’s about 22 hits per day.

I’ve also made just over $100 in confirmed sales, with an extra $167 estimated for the month of April.

So that means…

$100 + $167 = $267


$267 / 12 (hours I worked on the site) = $22.25 Per Hour

That’s pretty good. Especially considering that I had nothing else to do while waiting at the airport.

The point of this article was to show how easy it is to come up with an idea, do a little persuasive writing, and turn a profit. You have the technology to do this anywhere. Whether you’re stuck at the airport, waiting in the doctor’s office, or sitting at your kitchen table on a Sunday afternoon.

That’s my little experiment (and the results). I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading,


