Meet the X Infinity team: CEO Eddie Chong

X Infinity
4 min readJan 9, 2019


Meet the Team is a series of articles that lets X Infinity’s supporter get to know our team members better. We sit down over coffee to get an idea of the personas making up the team.

To start the series off, we have none other than Eddie Chong, CEO of X Infinity. A serial entrepreneur and business strategy advisor to more than 30 companies, Eddie has been mining and investing in blockchain and cryptocurrency since 2015. He has led X Infinity to receive numerous awards, and inspired many with his vision.

We managed to drag him out of his busy schedule to sit with us. Here’s our conversation:

Q: Thank you for taking the time to sit with us, Eddie. To start off, please share with us why you founded X Infinity?

A: It’s my pleasure. Well, X Infinity began as a response to the difficulty I encountered when trying to use cryptocurrency in daily life. I have been mining bitcoin before this, and I found it is difficult, if not impossible, to buy things from a physical store. I find it preposterous: how can a currency have such an Achilles heel? X Infinity is my solution for the problem: I want to make blockchain assets fast and convenient to be used in physical stores.

Q: Who came up with the name X Infinity? How did it happen?

A: I personally pick up the name. “Infinity” stands for impossibilities and it matches the company’s vision. We would like to push the blockchain boundaries and achieve the impossible. X Infinity is a force to be reckoned with!

Q: What are your thoughts on the blockchain world and ICO?

A: Blockchain technology has major potential. X Infinity has modified the concept of blockchain and implemented a system that would achieve a transaction speed of 1 second and an exponential increase in transaction capacity per second, which I believe is a breakthrough.

Q: X Infinity has received strong supports from the public. Why do you think that is the case?

A: I think it is because people can clearly see the problem we are tackling because they have that exact issue themselves. Our solution — the XIF Wallet and the XIF Debit card — is also easy to understand and makes sense to them. So, it is easy to buy into it.

Q: How do you start your day?

A: I wake up at 6am to get my day started. First, I will hit the gym for 45 minutes. After that, I take a bath, get a cup of coffee and I’m ready for work!

Q: How do you organize your time and priorities?

A: Well, I like to go through my schedule every day. Usually I will go to the office and get reports from my fellow colleagues. Then I will go to lunch appointments with clients.

Q: What keeps you going? Who/What are your motivations?

A: I have a supportive team which I trust my back with. It reassures me to know they are dependable. But most importantly, knowing that people are putting their hopes in me to help change their life has kept me going when situations get tough.

Q: Now, let’s move on to lighter topics. Do you have a hobby? What do you do for fun?

A: I love reading, but I got no time nowadays. I’ve picked up cooking now, and often cooked up something using whatever is found in the office fridge.

Q: Cats, or dogs?

A: Definitely dogs.

Q: Captain America, or Iron Man?

A: Iron Man.

Q: Batman or Iron Man?

A: Batman. He’s more badass.

Q: If you are left on an island alone, what three items would you bring along?

A: A knife, my iPhone and a volleyball.

Q: What do you spend too much money on, but does not regret doing so?

A: I love dining out. I always go to good restaurants in every place I visited.

Q: What will you get first with the XIF Debit Card?

A: A cup of coffee at Starbucks. (winks)

Q: Before we end, are there anything we have not asked, that you would like to answer?

A: I hope we achieved our vision as Blockchain assets to be used by ANYONE in the “real” world 😊

Q: Thank you for your time, Eddie.

A: Glad to be here.

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X Infinity is a secure wallet that allows all your cryptocurrency assets to be collected in one wallet, but spendable everywhere. The Wallet is linked to a Debit Card, which you can spend at any intentional retailers that accepts debit cards and also allows for International ATM cash withdrawals.

X Infinity’s vision is for Blockchain Assets to not only be available to the crypto-community, but rather something that can be used by anyone in the ‘real’ world. Check us out here.

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