Meet the X Infinity team: CTO Yee Sian Ang

X Infinity
4 min readJan 16, 2019


X Infinity CTO Mr Ang begin the day with hot cappuccino

Meet the Team is a series of articles that lets X Infinity’s supporter get to know our team members better. We sit down over coffee to get an idea of the personas making up the team.

This time, we got the man behind the technology, Yee Sian Ang. No stranger to both entrepreneurship and R&D, Mr Ang helms the tech front of X Infinity with gusto. His experience in ecommerce and engineering proved time and again to be valuable to the project.

During our conversation with Mr Ang, the 27-year-old shed lights on his role in the X Infinity team and his love for swimming.

Here’s our conversation:

Q: To start off, what’s the story behind you joining the X Infinity team?

A: I met CEO Eddie Chong in a tech conference where he introduced X Infinity to me. There, I foresee the good vision of the company and would like to be part of it. And then, here I am, the CTO of X Infinity.

Q: How is it like to be a CTO?

A: The first day I stepped into the office, I was immediately faced with tech issues. I knew it was the beginning of many challenges yet to come in a new environment. My thought at that time was, “It’s time to show case!”

Q: What’s on your plate right now?

A: I am currently handling all kinds of tech development which X Infinity plans to do. My role is more focused on ensuring the overall process flows together with the project timeline.

Q: When was the most difficult point in time during the project, and how did it go?

A: A difficult point I always encounter is “security versus user-friendly”. I always have to balance these two concerns in order to give users the best convenience I could, while not sacrificing the security of our system.

Q: Who are you closest with in the team?

A: The CEO, Eddie Chong. I always plan all the tech development with him in order to be in sync with the business need.

Q: How did your previous experience help you now that you’re with X Infinity?

A: My previous experience as Project Manager had assisted me a lot on the skill I needed to handle the project members. I can manage well on the project ARs by reviewing the timeline.

Q: What are your motivations?

A: My motivation is to get involve in a company, help the company right from the beginning to move towards the path of success.

Q: Now for some light-hearted questions. What do you do for fun?

A: I love to swim, I’ve been a swimming coach for over 13 years. I probably lived in the ocean in a previous life.

Q: What do you listen to?

A: Techno music. It helps me stay awake all the time.

Q: Cats, or dogs?

A: Cats. Period.

Q: Captain America, or Iron Man?

A: Iron Man. He’s rich! (Laughs)

Q: I was going to ask you to pick between Batman and Superman, but we’ll move on to the next question.

A: (Laughs)

Q: If you are left on an island alone, what three items would you bring along?

A: I only need 1, my swimming goggles. From there, I’m going to swim to the nearest inhabited island.

Q: What do you spend too much money on, but do not regret doing so?

A: I love my ride. I bought a car about 2 months ago.

Q: What do you hope to do more, but have neglected doing for some time?

A: Did I mention that I love swimming?

Q: Alright, Aquaman, before we end, is there anything we have not asked, that you would like to answer?

A: Can I have one more cup of coffee, it’s nice!

Q: Thank you for your time! Let’s go get another cup!

A: No problem. Time to get back to work!

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