The Impracticalities of Cryptocurrency

X Infinity
3 min readOct 24, 2018


Image by: Fintech Singapore, (2018). <>

Cryptocurrencies have earned praise but also notoriety in the financial world over the past decade. Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned a fully functioning decentralized transacting system to be implemented over banks and processors throughout the world when the white paper of Bitcoin was released back in 2008. His concept has since inspired 1600+ other digital assets to emerge into a multi billion dollar industry. Unfortunately, today Satoshi Nakamoto’s inspiration has turned into a hub for traders similar to the stock markets but far more volatile in price. This is due to limiting the number of tokens made available to the market thus prices are based off supply and demand. Bitcoin being the pioneer in this industry has been valued from $0.00 USD up to $20,000 USD, which no other trading asset can match in terms of volatility. Evidently, cryptocurrency has created countless wealth for many individuals in the industry. However, even with endless wealth in digital assets, liquidity is an issue.

To add to the equation, merchants from many regions across the globe do not accept digital currencies as a form of payment. Surely there are plenty of cryptocurrency to fiat exchanges in the market but transaction fees are beyond expensive and funds may not be readily available. So what use is unlimited wealth in digital assets if one is unable to acquire spending power with it?

X Infinity is a Fintech company that has taken into account all these limitations and formulated a solution that enables cross chain payment channels that ensure that consumers can make payments using any cryptocurrency in their X Infinity wallet. Wallet features include:

  • Cross chain payment channels ensure consumers can make payments using any cryptocurrency in their wallet
  • Unlimited blockchain accounts in a single wallet profile
  • Send and receive any amount of money, instantly anywhere in the world, at any time
  • Highly secure, reliable and fast transacting wallet
  • Private with no customer personal information at risk with control of financial identity
  • A frictionless experience as the X Infinity debit card provides standard payment functionality
  • Ability to lock card reduces risk of fraud
  • Low cost to consumer
  • Potential for real–time payment insights and offers

X Infinity will be collaborating with MasterCard in creating a debit card that provides standard payment functionality. This allows users to fully utilize their digital assets in the real world at will, such as being able to buy groceries from a supermarket or coffee from your favorite cafe. Debit card features include:

  • A frictionless experience as the X Infinity debit card provides standard payment functionality
  • Ability to lock card reduces risk of fraud
  • Low cost to consumer
  • Potential for real–time payment insights and offers

As for getting consumers into cryptocurrency usage, it’s all about accessibility. Most importantly, all consumers want is to be able to quickly and easily access their digital assets, hence the existence of X Infinity. As the digital world and physical world begin to merge, X Infinity provides the bridge that aid major impracticalities associated with cryptocurrencies, thus solving real world problems. To find out more about X Infinity, visit our official website



X Infinity

The next-generation cryptocurrency wallet that unifies merchants and consumers