How to participate in the XRED Foundation ICO

XRED Foundation
6 min readOct 31, 2017


We have developed our own Ethereum wallet solution for XRED foundation — XRED wallet.

To participate in the ICO you need to send ETH to our crowdsale address after the ICO has started. In our XRED wallet it will be done automatically, just open your wallet and fill in the field with an amount.

Steps are below:

Step 1. Set up your network

You can use Metamask extension

Or select mainnet directly. If you choose this way, you can create a new wallet and then transfer for this new address ETH from exchange platforms or from other wallets.

2. Create a new wallet or unlock own on mainnet

Or you can unlock your current wallet from UTC/JSON format

3. Exchange another cryptocurrency on ETH

If you have another cryptocurrency and want to exchange to ETH, then you can to do it on special tab

4. When you are ready, you can buy tokens.

Your balance of tokens will be updated automatically. After the ICO has ended, you will be able to transfer your tokens to other addresses.

Yearly you will receive your dividends in accordance with our White paper agreements. Just click “Claim all dividends” and you will receive them.

How to participate with other Ethereum wallets

There are many tools and apps called Ethereum wallets. But not all of them support new ERC-20 tokens, and you will need one that does.

We recommend using one of the following:

· MyEtherWallet

· Ethereum Mist Wallet,

· Ethereum’s online wallet

Although you can use any of these three, we will use MyEtherWallet


Step 1: Create new wallet

Visit The first thing you see is “Create New Wallet”.

Come up with a strong password, fill in the form, make sure to remember it off by heart, and then press ‘Create New Wallet’.

Now, save your Keystore File. Click ‘Download Keystore File’ and save the file somewhere on your computer or on a thumb drive for extra security. After you have saved the file (triple-check this!), go ahead and click the Continue button. You will be able to use this file to unlock your wallet in the XRED Wallet

On the next screen you will see your Private Key, it’s a string of symbols. Make sure you write down or print your Private Key in order to create a Paper Wallet. Remember, there’s no way to remind you of your password or Private Key, the technology simply doesn’t allow that! If it’s lost, it’s lost forever! So, please take all of the warnings you will see on those pages seriously.

Proceed to next screen.

As you can see, there are many ways of accessing your wallet, but for clarity’s sake we’ll stick with the Private Key option. Simply paste or type in your private key, then click ‘Unlock’.

Another option is to use the keystore file you saved on your computer earlier, then enter your password and then you’ll be able to click ‘Unlock’.

Now you have full access to your Ethereum Wallet and that’s it! It was simple, right? If you want to access your wallet again, go to and click on ‘View Wallet Info’ in the top right corner.

Step 2: Purchase your first Ether

Now you can actually start using your wallet. In order to fill your wallet with the Ether (ETH) needed to purchase tokens offered on an ICO, you will need a cryptocurrency exchange.

There are many exchanges out there, such as Coinbase, Kraken, Bitfinex, Bittrex, and many more.

Some of these allow you to trade fiat currency (dollars or euro) for Ethereum directly, while others only allow exchanging Bitcoin (BTC) or another cryptocurrency to ETH. Also note that exchanges offer different exchange rates. Some might be more favorable to you than others, and the spread may be quite big. Visit a few of exchanges before each transaction, compare their rates and choose wisely!

Step 3: Send ETH to the ICO

Whether you already had a wallet full of cryptocurrency, or have just recently created one using the first two steps from this article, you are now ready to participate in the ICO.

Now open MyEtherWallet and click ‘Send Ether & Tokens’.

To address field place : 0x7f3bfe88fb97d275e83d9bdd93aa7a0fd0e49981

Type in the amount of Ether you want to invest and volume of Gas you’re expecting to spend.

What is Gas and Gas limit? Every transaction in Ethereum network requires a resource called Gas to be executed. Amount of Gas corresponds to the complexity of a transaction. If you set Gas limit too low, your transaction will fail. Think of it just like having gas in your vehicle (ETH in your wallet), and the destination is the ICO address. If you don’t put enough gas in your vehicle to get to the destination you’re going to, you won’t make it. Lower Gas settings will take longer such as driving a fuel efficient vehicle at slower speed. In MyEtherWallet you can set desired Gas price in the top right block.

We recommend setting this value in a range from 2 to 12 Gwei. This is pretty cheap but the priority of your transaction will still be decent.

The last thing you have to do is to click ‘Generate Transaction’ and then ‘Send Transaction’.

Click on ‘View Wallet Info’ menu and open your wallet as you did before. To the right you’ll see a block called ‘Token Balances’.

Click ‘Add Custom Token’ and type Token contract address 0x99dd050072f6655a8ee3d59fea69b4542a66ad82

Token Symbol XRED

Decimals 18

In a few seconds after you clicked ‘Save’, you’ll see the balance of your tokens.



XRED Foundation

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