Xarbon (OCO) Bounty Program

Xarbon (OCO)
3 min readJul 16, 2018


Hello everybody! This is Jeffery with the Xarbon team. After many weeks of work, we are now ready to launch our bounty reward programme for you guys! Xarbon has set aside 2,000,000 (two million) OCO for our community, each OCO being fully reserved by one registerable ton of carbon dioxide reduction! This is your opportunity to join and earn some free carbon assets.

The Xarbon bounty program will begin on the 17th July 2018 and will end on 11th November 2018. Or beforehand if all 2 million OCO are given out. All the OCO will be given out when the Bounty Programme has ended. This bounty programme mainly pertains to social media promotion, and thus will require you to have at least one of the main four social media platform accounts that Xarbon uses. These being, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


To begin please talk to our Airdrop bot on telegram, (https://t.me/XarbonOCO_AirdropBot) and follow his instructions.

We will need you to talk to our @XarbonOCO_AirdropBot on telegram. The BOT will request some information from you so that we can confirm you’ve completed the bounty steps. Without this information, we will be unable to distribute the bounty to you

Telegram — First Step

To begin the bounty programme, join the Xarbon telegram group at https://t.me/XarbonOCO. This will entitle you to 8 OCO.

Twitter — Second Step

Next up head to our twitter page at https://twitter.com/XarbonOCO, and follow us on twitter. This will entitle you to 8 OCO.

Facebook — Third Step

Head to our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/XarbonOCO/, and like our Xarbon (OCO) Facebook page. This will entitle you to another 8 OCO.

LinkedIn — Fourth Step
For those that have a Linkedin Page, head over to https://www.linkedin.com/company/xarbon/ and follow our Xarbon company page on Linkedin. This will give you 16 OCO!


If you managed to join Xarbon’s telegram, follow Xarbon’s twitter, like Xarbon’s Facebook, and follow Xarbon’s LinkedIn. Then congratulations, you will get another 10 OCO.

The More the Merrier — BONUS

Now that you’ve spoken with the bot, you can earn up to 50 more OCO by inviting your friends into our telegram chat. For each friend you add into our telegram chat (https://t.me/XarbonOCO), you will earn another 5 OCO! Of course, we will check to ensure the genuinity of the added accounts. Fake account will not be counted.

With this information, you can earn up to 100 tons of carbon dioxide reductions!

Additional Help Wanted

In closing, I’d just like to say that Xarbon is a very young project that could use all the help that we can get. We’re always looking for local community members to join us in working on our Marketing, Business Development, Community Building, Engineering, ect… So if you’re interested in joining our team, just reach out to myself at the following places.

Talk soon,



The Xarbon team reserves the right to withhold any and all tokens from parties that are suspected of “foul-play”during this airdrop. This includes but is not limited to; using multiple fake accounts to conduct the bounty; adding and leaving the group chat to “double count” the bounty action; ect…

