Remove Imbalance of work, Remove unemployment with Xavio

Xavio Infotech
4 min readJan 13, 2020


How often do we come across the news of unemployment? Isn’t it saddening to know thousands of potential people are being wasted even after holding a proud degree? Yes, that’s the scenario of today! Where non-technical based people often don’t get placed, the technical ones who get this opportunity are not happy either!

Moreover, the employees actually working in the professional workplace have to go through exploitation and also have to work extra for job security. This is sometimes way more than what they’ve expected at work. Often, it leads to a lack of productivity and also sacrificing of ‘family moments’ for which they work! A bitter pill to swallow, isn’t it? Here is when the country’s future can help progress with freelancing, a concept that is beneficial to everyone working out there- irrespective of the field!

Ever wondered what happiness you can get by freelancing? It is that powerful concept which completely focuses on you and your performance. It’s a chance of breaking free from the typical 9–5 environment and yet being employed completely at your own pace. Here you can pursue what you’ve always wanted as a hobby and equally as a profession. Along with Xavio, you get a platform for freelancing with uniqueness as compared to other platforms.

Consider our business maker at Xavio, he is freelancer and he is potential enough with skills to convince people and get them on our platform. For instance, we don’t need what his educational qualifications are or how expensive certifications he has done to prove himself. All we need is his skills. People do extensive degree courses in management like MBA and still are unable to secure their dream job. But the business-maker at Xavio is earning purely based on his performance- no degrees and no major certifications! Doesn’t this enable a person to work at his own will and also help the world to recognize his potential where qualification-based requirements don’t stand a barrier? Similarly, this feature is applicable to a techie or precisely ‘nerds’ at Xavio. There are various free resources from where one can learn a skill aptly. But according to the rule of corporate world, he can’t apply and as a result, a skillful person’s talent is wasted just because he doesn’t have a tag from a reputed institute.

By striking a difference with Xavio, a person with all the needful skillset is hired and isn’t asked for anything else other than efficiency and maintaining good relations with everyone. It’s never an employee-owner as hierarchy, but it’s always a team! Where else can you find such an environment? Moreover, there are no interviews, no group discussions; no reporting at the scheduled time and no fixed working time. As a result, we believe in freelancing because it’s feasible for all! Also, not all people get the availability of the online presence and are yet progressing without an online platform. Just imagine, what heights these people can achieve, if they get a virtual presence.

Talking about the teams at Xavio, the ‘business-maker’ is the one who locates the businesses in and around him and gives them a plethora of nerds willing to give their business a virtual world presence. This can be done by giving them options to choose from nerds and selecting the best quotation meant for him. Moreover, local region businesses are comfortable with such opportunities only when they get someone who can explain them, talk to them and convince them in regional dialect. It’s a key to grow trust and bonding. What matters here is the ability to make bonds and convince regardless of a degree. Also, if one can see, tier-one cities in India are often given choices and options for their website. But, the other tiered cities are not even in online market competition as these services are not even availed to them. All the potential markets and ideas are not given enough services and are neither explained to them. Thereafter, the business maker gets 15% of the project of his client. Rewards and surprises extra on completion of targets and goals that are not set by us, but by yourself. Isn’t it sufficient to prove that we at Xavio are striving to reduce the employability rate here?

That’s our business-maker; he can be anyone- you or me. All he does is search for potential businesses and help them get a platform. So is our nerd, who works with passion for the work he is actually into! He doesn’t need a certificate or skillset; he needs a convincing and explaining power and dedication of working. He’s a freelancer at Xavio, who breaks free from the 9–5 work environment and does his work within the deadline without a schedule. They control their own life. They do their best, and we deliver the best- that’s all we strive for!



Xavio Infotech

Freelance for those who don't know freelance.