XeZZUpgrade to BitGreen 1.3.2This article will focus on the upgrade of your Desktop wallets to BitGreen 1.3.2 if you are still on 1.3.0 you will have to do some extra…Aug 8, 2019Aug 8, 2019
XeZZBitg Upgrade to 1.3.1As you can read in the following article: https://medium.com/@BitcoinGreen/bitgreen-the-future-of-bitg-f030548e89d0 BitcoinGreen has…May 10, 2019May 10, 2019
XeZZUpdate APR to 3.0Updating your masternodes to APR 3.0 will require you to resetup the nodes from scratch as the chain was rolled back several blocks which…Dec 19, 2018Dec 19, 2018
XeZZHow to verify if you are on the correct Chain?There are several possible reasons for a network split. Quickly check if you’re on the right one.Aug 11, 2018Aug 11, 2018