1st eLOAD vendor accepting KUARTA with Kyber Points

2 min readOct 7, 2017


Eleazar Loading Station is now accepting KUARTA (KTA) for eLoad services. This is a memorable history between Eleazar & Kuarta holder named Neleh. In return for her loyalty, Neleh received her 1st Kyber point.

“Neleh” is a certified Kuarta (KTA) holder. She is so blessed to be part of KHAZON community. More vendors are now accepting KUARTA (KTA) as a new cryptocurrency integrated in Ethereum blockchain.

You may now see the actual transaction started last October 2, 2017 Monday.

Php 1,000.00 = 0.04 KTA
Confirmation for the successsfully sold eLoad services.
1 Kyber (KPT) as a reward points for Neleh

PRICING of eLOAD Services here:




Kuarta is money integrated in Ethereum blockchain that uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of Kuarta is carried out collectively by the network. Nobody owns or controls Kuarta and everyone can take part. Because a community already values it, Kuarta already established it’s worth.

Website: www.kuarta.org

Kuarta (KTA) Logo


Kyber are tokens built on ethereum network that serve as rewards to customers for purchases and other actions as points which can be redeemed for perks. Easily set how many points customers should earn for each value spent and set how many points can be redeemed for a specific perk. Points can be set at the product, category, or global level.

Website: https://www.kyberpoints.com/

Kyber (KPT)


Related Links:

imToken — Ethereum wallet
(Tutorial Guide for Kuarta Holders using smartphone)


