How to migrate your Xirsys V2 account to V3

2 min readAug 18, 2017


If you are a current Xirsys V2 customer and would like to switch to our new V3 platform, please follow these steps to migrate your account.

  1. Sign up for a new V3 account: Be sure to use the same ident and password from your V2 account in the signup form. (Ident = Username)
  2. Once you have created the account and are logged into the new V3 dashboard, click the Account tab on the left-hand menu and scroll to the bottom of the page to the “Import Past Accounts” form.
  3. Paste your V2 secret key in the field provided and click the Import button. Please be patient, this could take several seconds to complete, you will see a success alert once the operation is complete.
  4. Once you see the success message, click on the Services tab in the left menu and you will see your domains listed in the channels (you may need to refresh the page once).
  5. If all your domains are showing in your dashboard, you will need to change your API URL from to That is it, you should now be successfully connecting to your V3 account.
  6. To future proof your account and ensure you have access to the latest features we recommend utilizing the “_turn” API method rather than the legacy “ice” method. You can learn more about that here:
  7. Please note if you have a paid account on V2, your billing does not migrate over, you will need to pick a new plan and re-enter your credit card information in your V3 dashboard. You can click on the Plans page at the top of your dashboard and pick your new plan, then enter your card info to upgrade your V3 account. Once you have upgraded your V3 account and have fully migrated over, you will want to be sure to downgrade your V2 account to the Free plan. You can also contact us about this and we can apply any remaining credit from your V2 account to your new V3 plan.

We do highly recommend checking out our Migration Guide doc for more detailed information regarding the differences and best practices for V3, to take full advantage of the new features and benefits available. The Migration doc is here:

If you run into any problems in this process please contact and we will be glad to assist you.




Xirsys is a leading provider of WebRTC infrastructure-as-a-service, and the industry standard for TURN server hosting.