Synapse Introduction

3 min readSep 11, 2017


A product developed by Xourse, a Costa Rican technology company.

A platform for the creation of groups with common interests. In Synapse, you can build professional networks to create services and products to sell worldwide or to support a social cause. In each group members get a monthly rating from their peers to build up a reputation. Each group has tasks to coordinate their efforts, which can be billable or not.

For an explanation of the private beta see the following link: Synapse Usage


Empower individuals to reach economic independence by allowing them to tap into the global economy to create communities with multiple distributed revenue models.

Audacious Goals

Decentralize innovation, wealth and capital through a software platform to enable individuals to build international and distributed communities by reducing business operations overhead with automation and delegation.

We say decentralized because we don’t plan to stay in one country. With your help, we will build creative communities of professionals all over the world.

Current Features

Online Communities: called groups in the application. You can build your group to gather people with similar goals

Collaboration tools: track your activities through tasks

Mentorship: the most experience members of the groups have incentives to support and teach new members. Mentorship is part of the Synapse culture

Global reach: connect, share knowledge and work with people from all over the world

Reputation system: people are ranked in each group by their peers and their clients

Upcoming Features

Billing: automatic billing for communities build with for profit goals. Currently you can work on open source or social impact projects.

Escrow: holding client funds

Arbitration: providing conflict resolution between clients requesting services and the professionals providing them even if they are in different countries. First two countries to be included will be Costa Rica and the United States followed by the rest of Latin America and eventually Europe and Asia through partnership with arbitrators in those countries.

We are not a job board site

We are different from freelancing sites that create a race to the bottom where becoming the cheapest rate per hour is what makes a professional competitive.


In Synapse communities, there are several ways to generate revenue.


  • The community builds services and products that it sales for a single fee or a subscription model. For example; SaaS platforms, mobile apps, blockchain smart contracts and licensed software.
  • Members get sales commissions for bringing clients into de community and managing the relationship with them.
  • The top 1% rated members get a percentage of all the revenue generated by the community. Each community defines how much that is. This due to them supporting their colleagues or for creating learning material for new members. Merit is rewarded.
  • Each member that brings top performers to the community receives a referral bonus which consist of a percentage from the revenue they generated. Top performers are determined by the income they generate, not their rating.
  • More income models are being developed.


  • Each member receives a compensation for solving a task which is part of a project for a client of the community.
  • The community can stablish an hourly contract with clients to provide outsourcing or team extension.

Why not low rates?

Each community is free to set the rates they choose. While it is certain that some might choose to compete this way, Synapse doesn’t publish a community’s rates because we are not a job board site. We will publish a community’s overall rating by customers as well as the successful products and services they’ve created, both free and for profit. Therefore, those groups that focus on training their members and working on creative products will be searched for their quality.

Receiving income for your creativity and expertise plus your business skills is a far more rewarding path in the long run for a professional’s career and his personal life. It is better in financial terms and provides the satisfaction of doing what your passionate about.

By Carlos Cerrato — Xourse

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