Embark on Xterio’s Xsoul Journey

5 min readDec 8, 2022


From day one of Xterio’s establishment, every single day we are amazed by the passion and energy that the Xterio community is showing and sharing with us. Its voices, feedback, and active engagement are convincing us that we embark on a journey with the most ambitious and courageous adventurers to co-shape the exciting Web 3 gaming universe. With excitement and gratitude, amongst others inspired by Vitalik Buterin’s recent Soul Bound Token paper, we started contemplating what would be the most “Xterio” way to pay tribute to our most precious community members. This is how the bold idea of creating Xsoul, Xterio’s first soul bound token for the benefit of the Xterio community, was born.

Xsoul as a Soul Bound Token (SBT)

The vision of Xsoul is inspired by Vitalik Buterin’s experimental thinking relating to SBT applications in the Web3 world. Building on top of his brilliant works and thinking, with our Xsoul program we aim to create a unique verifiable credential system which will honour and add value to our appreciated community members.

Because of its characteristics SBT’s in general, Xsoul shall be non-transferable, non-tradeable and permanently possessed by your self-controlled wallet once it has been issued. Xsoul will be obtained through Freemint.

The ownership of Xsoul means that a community member will be officially acknowledged as a key member of the Xterio community. This acknowledgement is expected to be expanded into more programs and benefits in the near future, and Xterio is working with partners to ensure an increased impact of SBTs and the Xsoul program in particular.

What will Xsoul bring you?

Xsoul cannot be traded or transferred between wallets for money or other financial benefits. Then, why would you still want to own Xsoul?

As stated before, the Xsoul program is being designed with a view to paying tribute to the key contributors in our growing Xterio community. Xterio intends to provide a series of exclusive benefits and increasing privileges to Xsoul owners, such as for example (but not limited to):

● get VIP treatment which will automatically entitle you to participate in certain exclusive reward campaigns or events organised by Xterio, whilst others will need to apply for participation;

● to become eligible for or increase chances to receive airdrops in future events organised by Xterio;

● be whitelisted for future NFTs which will be provided in respect of Xterio’s games.

● More impact or voting power in respect of the future agenda of Xsoul,

● Etceteras.

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, the social value of Xsoul will of course further grow in parallel with Xterio’s growth. Xterio’s ultimate ambition is to together with partners build a network where any player’s achievements or identity in Web3 gaming can be commonly acknowledged. We are positive that in the very near future one may receive strong additional value in the Web3 gaming space as a Xsoul owner.

How do we appreciate key “souls” of the Xterio community?

The values our community members contribute to Xterio are diverse and dynamic. That means that a valued member of the Xterio community (an “Xsoul”) shall not be simply judged by a single criterion and shall have many ways to contribute to the community. Therefore, we have designed and will introduce and incorporate the Xterio Badge system into the Xsoul program to kickstart our Xsoul journey and show appreciation for a “soul”.

The Xterio Badge system evaluates users in respect of behaviours, characteristics, and contribution. Each badge represents a specific contribution aspect which Xterio appreciates in a member. In essence, Xterio badges, which share the same characteristics as Xsoul, may later be converted into Xsoul.

The Xterio Badge system will enable us to reward members of the Xterio community who possess one or more Xterio badges. The Xsoul program will for now require at least 3 different Xterio Badges for an Xsoul.

Whereas our definition of a “valued soul“ shall evolve and be ever-expanding, the Xterio Badge system will continue to extend in the long term also, and thus new colors, new opportunities and criteria to our community members will be added on an on-going basis.

To start with, we have defined 7 badges that have been designed and will be issued in the upcoming months.

Classification of Xterio Badges:

Pink Badge

● Target holders: Influencers who create Web3 or gaming content, and who have 10,000+ followers on any social platform.

● How to apply:

○ Log into Gleam via the Twitter accounts to be verified by Xterio

○ Complete an application form on Gleam

Yellow Badge

● Target holders: Certified users by Xterio’s partner projects.

● How to apply:

○ Follow @XterioGames

○ Join Discord

○ Finish the Gleam tasks we posted on Twitter for Yellow Badge

Definition of partner projects: all the campaigns or events that are officially tweeted by the Xterio Twitter account(@XterioGames) with the hashtag #Xsoulpartner.

Chocolate Badge

● Target holders: users who have shared/referral/invited other users to participate.

● How to apply:

○ Participate in Xterio Christmas exclusive event

○ Complete the Gleam referral tasks

○ Join Discord

○ Follow Twitter

Green Badge

●Target holders: Community contributors

●How to apply:

○ Join Discord

○ Participate in Discord community campaigns held by Xterio

Blue Badge

● Target holders: Crypto-native users

● How to apply: To be announced

Orange Badge

● Target holders: Web2 Gamers

● How to apply: To be announced

Purple Badge

● Target holders: Community OG

● How to apply: To be announced

How can you join this journey?

You can join our Xterio Badges very soon, keep a close eye on the Xterio official Twitter account @XterioGames and the Discord community! Follow them now! Do not miss anything!

Further announcements on next steps regarding the Xsoul program will follow shortly also!

Trust and Zero Tolerance

Coded and uncoded trust is the essence of Web3 in general and Xterio in particular. Also in relation to all our users and community members. We are convinced that our community members would apply and earn Xterio badges and Xsoul with the same passion and integrity they have demonstrated in participating in other events. Please note: Xterio is adamant to foster a fair playing field, and thus has zero tolerance toward fraud and cheating behaviour of whatever nature. Xterio reserves the right to temporarily or permanently deactivate any rights in respect of any Xterio Badges or Xsoul following any such behaviour.

