Forever Valentino!回歸故鄉的一趟旅程

Forever Valentino! A journey back to the homeland(Posted on 11/09)

Yun Li 李芸
3 min readNov 12, 2022

【 #時尚的一百種模樣 |020 】

今年適逢傳奇設計師 Valentino Garavani 九十歲大壽, #Valentino 回歸品牌發源地:「永恆之城」羅馬,舉辦其歷史上最大型展覽。

This year, on the occasion of the 90th birthday of the legendary designer Valentino Garavani, Valentino returns to Rome, the “Eternal City”, for the largest exhibition in its history.

Valentino 的創立之始 The beginning of Valentino

卡塔爾博物館和 Maison Valentino 推出 Forever Valentino 透視展覽,向其創始人 Valentino Garavani 及品牌仍在發展的高級時裝之卓越傳統致敬。本次展覽設計是一次令人驚嘆的戲劇體驗以及一趟穿越羅馬的航行, Valentino 的故鄉 — — 初始之地,也是其身份所屬的地方。

Qatar Museums and Maison Valentino will present “ Forever — Valentino”, a major perspective exhibition that pays homage to its founder Valentino Garavani and its still-unfolding heritage of Haute Couture excellence. A stunning theatrical experience, “Forever — Valentino” is an exploration of the Haute Couture codes of the Maison and a voyage through Rome, Valentino’s home, the place where everything started and where its identity belongs to.

展覽中展示了 200 多件 Valentino 高級定制服裝和成衣,伴隨著沈浸式場景中擺放的配飾,編織出一幅高質感的羅馬城形象,鑲嵌著設計師私人記憶以及品牌數十年的寶貴歷史。

Featuring over 200 Valentino Haute Couture pieces and pret-à-porter outfits accompanied by accessories and fashion objects displayed in an immersive scenography, the exhibition weaves a richly textured image of the city of Rome inlaid with private memories and precious discoveries from the Maison’s six decades-long history.

紅色 — — Valentino 的代名詞 Red — a synonym for Valentino

1959 年,Valentino Garavani 推出的第一個系列作品以「紅色」為代表,自當時起,紅成了 Valentino 常見的元素,它是品牌的代名詞。

Red is Valentino — a colour first used in Valentino Garavani’s debut collection in 1959 and present ever since, it is synonymous with the House.

紅色更廣泛的文化意義代表著樂觀、吉祥、權威、豐富、熱情與愛,而這些形容與 Valentino 格外貼近。在 Forever Valentino 展覽中的 Palazzo Room 裡,共展示了 34 件代表 Valentino 的紅色連衣裙,傳達了品牌創立之初對美的願景和崇高理想強烈的紅。

The wider cultural meanings of red align with our perceptions of Valentino — it is a colour of optimism and auspiciousness, of authority and abundance, of passion and love. Within the Palazzo Room, in the Forever Valentino Exhibition, 34 exemplifying dresses are on display conveying how Rosso Valentino is, truly, a ‘fil rouge’ to Valentino Garavani’s personal vision of beauty, his noble ideals.

Photos from Valentino.

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Yun Li 李芸

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