
A girl’s bravery is her natural strength!

Yun Li 李芸
2 min readJul 25, 2022

【 #時尚的一百種模樣|007 】

巴黎高級定制時裝的最後階段已為上半年的活動畫下了圓滿的句點。緊接著七月,在義大利羅馬的 Valentino 高級訂製服時裝秀場上,憑藉著電影《她們》(Little Women)和《黑寡婦》(Black Widow)打開知名度的英國女星 Florence Pugh,因身著一襲粉色「露點」禮服而引發爭議。

The close of Paris couture has brought the first half of the year to a successful conclusion. In July, at the Valentino couture show in Rome, Italy, British actress Florence Pugh, known for her films Little Women and Black Widow, sparked controversy by wearing a pink “nude” dress.

圖片來源|Florence Pugh 個人 Instagram

女孩們解放吧!Girls free yourself!

1986 年,七名在野餐的紐約女性被指控露出了她們胸部的南半球,她們提出上訴,促使美國部分地區修改法律,女性得以合法地在公共場合裸露上身。後來,美國女性將她們的無胸罩日定在 7 月 9 日,引起不少國際巨星親自響應,Florence Pugh 正是其中之一。

In 1986, seven New York women were accused of exposing their under boobs at a picnic. They filed an appeal that led to a law change in some parts of the U.S. and made it legal for women to go topless in public. After that, American women set their No Bra Day on July 9, causing many international stars to respond in person, Florence Pugh being one of them.

圖片來源|丹麥馬爾摩同志大遊行(2016 © Maria Eklind, Free the nipple @ Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.)

「穿上它我很興奮,一點也不緊張……很多人會不禮貌地跟我說我的胸部有多小,或是我的胸部有多扁,藉此表達尷尬與失望之情,但我很清楚自己胸部的大小,而且我並不為此感到害怕。」Florence Pugh 於社群媒體上寫道。從她的字裡行間中,散發著勇敢的自信美。Florence Pugh 接受自己的不完美,學會了更愛自己,肯定不同身型的美麗。

”I was excited to wear it, not a wink of me was nervous…So many of you wanted to aggressively let me know how disappointed you were by my ‘tiny tits’, or how I should be embarrassed by being so ‘flat chested’. I’ve lived in my body for a long time. I’m fully aware of my breast size and am not scared of it.” Florence Pugh wrote it in a social media post. She is brave enough to accept her imperfections, learn to love herself more, and affirm the beauty of different body types.

圖片來源|Florence Pugh 個人 Instagram

乳房不是一種罪行 Breasts are not a crime

「男人能脫上衣的地方女人也能脫。」#解放乳頭,是一個以追求 #性別平等 為訴求的社會運動。於 2017 年上映的美國電視連續劇《狂放時尚圈》第一季中,談論到了「乳房議題」,這不僅僅是關乎於性別平等,亦呼籲女性們需要更正視自己的身體構造,珍愛自己。

“A man can take his top off, so can a woman.” Free the Nipple is a social movement that seeks gender equality. In the first season of the 2017 American television series, The Bold Type, the topic of “breasts” was discussed. It is not only concerning gender equality, but as a call to action for women to care more about their bodies and to value themselves.

圖片來源|《The Bold Type》

Photos from the Internet.

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Yun Li 李芸

《own 一個人生活》主編。觀察時尚、紀錄日常。練習生活與文字間的相互穿透,用心寫字認真生活。|聯繫請至💌jylii032@gmail.com