ETHDenver Recap: A Weekend Jam-Packed With Creativity

Zack Yanger
4 min readFeb 22, 2019


With over 3,000 attendees descending on the Mile-High city from more than 23 countries around the world, this year’s ETHDenver event was an incredible experience to see come alive. Whether you were a hacker ready to #buidl, a speaker/sponsor spreading the word, an artist promoting your work or an enthusiast looking to learn and network, ETHDenver had something for everyone.

Blockchain Governance Panel: Eva Beylin, Zooko Wilcox, Vlad Zamfir, Hudson Jameson, Piper Merriam

ETHDenver saw the creation of BuffiDai, a wonderful example of how far blockchain technology has come and a clear reminder of how real-world crypto currency usage might not be as far off as some may think. BuffiDai is a localcoin digital asset running on an Ethereum xDai sidechain that was minted specifically for ETHDenver and given out to attendees to purchase food, beverage, and swag all weekend. In 3 days, BuffiDai powered 4,405 meal purchases and off-ramped more than $38,400 to the local food trucks.

BuffiDai Demo — ETHDenver

The festivities took place at the Gart Sports Castle, a historic downtown landmark where creativity and collaboration seemed to be bursting from every corner of the space. The first floor was home to a charity art auction, where SuperRare artist Coldie and others featured stunning 3D works that were auctioned off with all proceeds donated to

3D Artwork by @Coldie — all proceeds donated to

On the top floor lived the Truebit Maker Space, where Jessica Angel and her team did a phenomenal job of designing the space and organizing a weekend filled with creative workshops and experiences.

Jessica Angel, Jason Teutsch (Truebit), Zack Yanger (Pixura)
Maker Space Activities

The Maker Space was also home to the SuperRare #Bufficorn art gallery/contest, where artist Mattia Cuttini and collector sebdcl took home the win for creating/owning the #Bufficorn that received the most “likes” on SuperRare.

The Dark Side of the Bufficorn by Mattia Cuttini
SuperRare #Bufficorn Digital Art Gallery
Truebit Maker Space

Musician Brady McKenna kept the vibes going all weekend long with live guitar and vocal performances that could suck you in for hours. Of the many collaborations that took place over the weekend, an absolute standout for me was seeing Brady collaborate with our good friend Jonathan Mann on his Song A Day #3699. If you haven’t heard of Jonathan’s Song A Day project you should definitely check it out. He’s been writing and sharing a song a day for over 10 years and counting.

Jonathan Mann — Song A Day #3699 with Brady McKenna
Brady McKenna performing live in the Maker Space

ETHDenver also marked a special occasion for our company — after months of building and testing we finally launched the Pixura Platform on main net, making it super easy for anyone to create and sell crypto/NFT collectibles with just a few clicks. Here’s a quick overview of the types of NFT projects that can be built on Pixura and a step-by-step guide for how to create your first marketplace — the possibilities are endless and we couldn’t be more excited.

Of the projects already building on Pixura, one we are especially excited for is the “Faces Of Ethereum” project by The Bounties Network. In an attempt to creatively capture the energy of the wonderful people that make up the Ethereum community, The Bounties Network in collaboration with the #ArtProject Decentralized community, is creating a digital gallery on Pixura with tokenized digital images of the most artistic and original photographs of the “Faces of Ethereum”. The goal is to create a giant image made up of all the portraits gathered throughout 2019 and sell this image at auction at Devcon V, dispersing the funds equally to all contributing artists.

Check out the official bounty HERE.

Coming home from this year’s ETHDenver event, we couldn’t be more stoked to be a part of this amazing community. Pixura’s goal is to make it easy for anyone to launch a crypto/NFT collectible project — In addition to APIs, our platform lets anyone deploy a digital asset marketplace in minutes, without writing any code. If you’re interested in building with NFTs or would like to chat about potential partnerships, please get in touch!

