Make People Obsess Over You Using Psychological Tricks

Yahya Zitane
4 min readSep 11, 2022


A woman laying on a couch with her hand on her phone, while three of her friends waving at her from virtual windows. all wearing black and blue.
People illustrations by Storyset

Texting made us lack conversation skills and be less expressive. But maintaining a good conversation in real life will make you stand out. People are much more likely to be interested in you if you have good communication skills.

It is about your ability not only to listen, or understand the other point of view, etc. But also to communicate and engage with someone on a deeper level subconsciously, using easy psychological tips. Here’s how!

But first, I would love to share this quote:

“Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people.”

— Jim Rohn

And now, let’s hop into how can we make people obsess over us:

1. Eye Contact

A young man with blue eyes within an irregular shape surrounded by blue flowers
People illustrations by Storyset

A lot of people ignore the power of maintaining good eye contact. If you’ve never known it before, then let me tell you that you can express thoughts only through your eyes!

Yes! You can express joy, sadness, disappointment, or angriness!

But don’t be weird by totally focusing on the other person’s eyes and not even blinking, you will look like you’re willing to kidnap them.

And another “don’t” is: Don’t ignore their eyes and keep looking shy or with a low personality.

The secret is to have balance. The best practice is to look into their eyes for 5–10 sec, then change your gaze for a second, then repeat.

That being said, you will look interested in what they are saying and it will make you look like a great listener, that’s a winning point to be amiable ;)

You got the point, eye contact is like talking with your own eyes.

2. Body language

A young male and female wearing blue sitting on chairs discussing while using their body language (hand gesture)
People illustrations by Storyset

Either sitting or standing, a bad posture will ruin what you’re transmitting and how you look into people’s minds.

Never underestimate this power, but always keep your back straight, your feet pointing towards them, shoulders down, and open hands gesture.

Just crossing your arms will subconsciously make you look defensive. Rest your arms while listening and move them while talking to make your speech engaging.

Working out will reward you with good posture and boosted confidence.

3. Enlightening Hygiene

bowel of bath bombs above towels, besides a jar of bath bombs, two lightening candles, incense, a plant and bubbles in the background floating
Product illustrations by Storyset

Remember that mouth smell during the morning?

Just imagine someone talking with you while you inhale that smell. It will make you want to throw out and you wouldn’t focus on what they’re saying even if it’s about your BANK ACCOUNT.

So always try to have a clear and refreshing breath by washing your mouth daily, as well as taking baths regularly.

Brushing your teeth three times a day will give you a fresh convo.

3. Open Questions

A man and woman wearing blue sitting in chairs face-to-face around a table with coffee and two books
People illustrations by Storyset

Do you like ice cream? Cats or dogs? How are you doing?

The common point between those questions is that the answer will be a single word in most cases.

Even if you’re going to ask such questions, try as much as possible to ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation flow.

But, I would rather advise you to ask more open questions that the answer isn’t a yes/no or a single word, questions that require thinking and are not typical.

Why do you work here? What was the worst thing that happened during your holidays?

Never let them answer with a single word, just make them talk more, they do love it!

4. Offer Gifts

A man sending a gift to a woman through his phone
People illustrations by Storyset

Who doesn’t love gifts? We all do of course!

Gifts are like actions that don’t require any speech and make others obsess over you as you look like you were thinking of them.

Those gifts should be neither expensive nor cheap, those gifts should just be relatable to that person! Here’s where you can get a good gift:

Something they’ve been talking about frequently is the perfect gift. unfriend them if they were talking about a Lamborghini...

5. Focus on Them

A man and a woman wearing black and blue, holding an arrow towards the center of a target.
Work illustrations by Storyset

Yes! ask them relatable questions, that they are interested in. Just care about them and they will do it back in a short period later :)

You could ask them about their:

  • Goals
  • Family
  • Dreams
  • Adventures
  • Traumas
  • Music style
  • Favorite fart flavors
  • Just ask

Focus on them by showing interest and they will focus back on you, it’s a reciprocal action!



Yahya Zitane

Top writer in Productivity. I inhale reading, I exhale writing. Order your blog post through Fiverr: