Exploratory data analysis that any FP&A and Economist

3 min readFeb 24, 2023

As businesses generate and collect massive amounts of data, the need to extract valuable insights from that data has become essential. This process of extracting useful information from data is known as data mining, and one of the primary techniques used in this process is Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).

Exploratory Data Analysis is a crucial step in data mining that enables businesses to gain insights and make informed decisions based on their data. EDA involves various techniques and tools to understand the patterns, relationships, and anomalies in data. In this article, we will discuss the five main points in the EDA process that can help businesses to derive valuable insights from their data.

It turns out that the key to these insights is hidden in a single acronym known as EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis). It is, as the name implies, a process for probing various datasets and extracting useful information from them, which is frequently combined with data visualizations.

Why Conduct Exploratory Data Analysis?

It can help find obvious errors, better understand data patterns, identify outliers or unusual occurrences, and discover intriguing relationships between variables or entirely new variables. After EDA, the features obtained can be used for more complex data analysis or modeling, including machine learning.

First Steps 👣

Data Collection and Preparation

Before analyzing data, it is essential to collect and prepare the data in a format that is easy to analyze. The first step in EDA is to gather all relevant data that may have the potential to provide insights. The data could be structured or unstructured, such as customer purchase history, website traffic, or social media sentiments.

After collecting the data, it is essential to clean and transform the data into a format that is suitable for analysis. This includes removing missing or irrelevant data, standardizing variables, and normalizing the data.


Once the data is ready for analysis, the next step is to perform conduct analysis. This analysis involves examining individual variables in the datasets. The objective of this analysis is to understand the characteristics of each variable, such as its distribution, mean, and standard deviation. This analysis helps to identify outliers or any potential errors in the data.

For example, if a business is analyzing customer purchase history, univariate analysis will help them understand the average amount spent per transaction, the frequency of purchases, and the types of products purchased.

Conduct Analysis

After performing analysis, the next step is to conduct analysis. Conduct analysis involves analyzing the relationship between two variables. The objective of this analysis is to understand how one variable affects another variable. For instance, a business may analyze the relationship between website traffic and sales to identify if there is any correlation between the two variables.

Conduct analysis helps businesses to identify patterns and relationships between variables that may not be apparent in conduct analysis. For instance, a business may identify that customers who purchase products in a particular category tend to purchase other products in the same category as well.


The final step in EDA is to visualize the data to communicate the insights effectively. Visualization involves creating charts, graphs, and diagrams to present the data in a clear and concise manner. Visualization helps businesses to identify trends and patterns quickly and communicate those insights to stakeholders effectively.

Visualization also enables businesses to identify areas that require further investigation. For example, if a business notices a sudden drop in website traffic, they can use visualization to identify the specific pages or products that are responsible for the drop.

In conclusion, Exploratory Data Analysis is an essential step in data mining that can help businesses to derive valuable insights from their data. By following the five main steps in the EDA process, businesses can identify patterns, relationships, and anomalies in their data that can help them make informed decisions. By leveraging the power of EDA, businesses can gain a competitive advantage in their industry and stay ahead of the competition.

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I’ve always been fascinated by numbers, and working in data analytics has been a long-term goal of mine. I'm always looking to grow my professional network.