Leticia Credidio: Unleashing the power of good sleep

Yanitsa Vladimirova
Creative Startup Stories
4 min readOct 16, 2019

This week’s feature shines a light on Leticia Credidio: art director & illustrator, champion of sustainable design and founder of her own organic sleepwear brand Leticia Credidio.

Leticia is an Italian–Japanese, Sao Paulo-born creative with a base in East London. Last time I met her at a friend’s dinner, she was talking passionately about her newest endeavour — the launch of her own sleepwear brand Leticia Credidio — and the challenges she faced when launching it. With this line of sleepwear she aimed to unleash the power of good sleep, combining comfort and quality design whilst making sure that sustainability is stitched in all the way through.

Now, one year later, I feel honoured to have the opportunity to interview Leticia, to find out more about her entrepreneurial journey and the future that awaits.

Leticia Credidio, photography taken by Kalpesh Lathigra

How did you come up with the idea to create Leticia Credidio, the sleepwear brand? How did it all come about?

Everything started after I had experienced the detrimental health impacts of overwork and lack of sleep. This waking call made me decide to put my creative energy into establishing a sleepwear brand that champions taking the time to rest, embracing comfort and slowness, and being present in the now.

How has your idea sustained and grown? What has changed over the last 12 months?

The idea of creating a sustainable lifestyle brand to unleash the power of sleep was backed up by great mentors I had at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey. Most of the people struggle at some point in their lives to relax, sleep and to have fun. Moreover, the older we get, it’s more difficult to find great sleepwear and loungewear. From the early days, I’ve travelled from country to country, working closely with my suppliers to ensure that everything from the weave of the fabric to the final stitch is without compromise to people and the environment.

What changed over the last 12 months was the actual brand launch in December 2018, and the two collections Winter Birds — made with organic certified fabrics — and Ocean — made with sustainable seaweed fabrics.

Where are you currently with your fashion brand?

At the moment, I am building partnerships with different brands and teaming up with like-minded companies.

What were the challenges you faced when working on Leticia Credidio?

I guess the main challenges of any small brand are the quantities and prices. As people are slowly becoming more aware of the damages caused by fast fashion to the environment, we’re all more selective when choosing our products and good quality designs.

What’s been the biggest discovery on your journey so far?

The biggest learning has been to oversee and lead many different tasks without feeling overwhelmed. As a small company, it is easy to keep increasing our to-do-lists and get stressed. Letting go of perfection is great.

Is there a creative mantra you follow?

“There is no point in doing it, if it isn’t fun!”

Looking back, what was your highlight of creating the brand Leticia Credidio?

The highlight has been the clients’ positive reactions to the designs and brand concept. Also, the great partnerships and relationships with our suppliers and production teams.

What about expansion? Are there any other cities on your radar other than London?

In February and March this year, we launched in New York and Berlin. Most of my clientele is in Boston, NYC and Chicago so expanding also to the West Coast would be great. The Scandinavian countries are definitely on the radar as well.

Shall we keep our eyes open for the next collection any time soon?

Yes, definitely! We’re currently designing some new pieces made with some unexpected fabrics — again!.

Top tips for future creative entrepreneurs attempting to start a creative business.

  • There’s too much negativism and lack of encouragement in any type of business. Move away from complaining people, nobody wants to be lead by a pessimist.
  • Success is 360 degrees: money, mental and physical health, relationships and faith. There is no point in concentrating in one side of the business which normally tends to be the financial one. Relationships and health are the driving forces of success.
  • Creating a business isn’t like buying a lottery ticket, great outcomes most of the times don’t happen overnight. There’s no need to put too much pressure on yourself or feel bad if things don’t evolve in the pace you’d like to. Dream big, take time to make decisions and have fun!



Yanitsa Vladimirova
Creative Startup Stories

Explorer — Connector | Enterprise Community Architect | Design thinker enthusiast