Do’s and Don’ts at your new tech job

Yashodeep Kacholiya
3 min readJan 30, 2022

Hey, you have hustled and made your way to all the interview rounds and got your new or first job.

Hurray!!! Congratulation!!

But frankly speaking, it's just a part done and if you want to make an impact and climb up the ladder, you need to keep in mind the following points.

Who am I, to talk about this — recently switched from a service-based company to a product-based company, with a promotion that usually 5+ years of experienced candidate gets and I just got it in 2.5 years. So, sharing with you what has helped me.


  1. Understand the system first: It is very likely you join a team where some part of the project is already completed. So, before making any changes try to understand the system first, I get it understanding the complete system can be tough at times, firstly try to just get an overview, and then deepen the understanding once you get to do some hands-on.
  2. Theory and Practical go hand in hand: Just reading the documentation at times can be boring and frustrating, instead, you can read a part try to go in the project and check for yourself. Keep the process interesting and fun.
  3. Take Break and Relax: You are not accepted to make a difference from day one. At times you won’t understand a word but hang in there, listen to the talks, and it's just a matter of time that you will connect the dots and understand the same, So relax and take a break often so you don’t stress out.
  4. Connect with your senior often: Right information at the start is very important. So don’t assume even a small thing if you have a doubt ask straight away, drop a detailed message of your doubt and get it cleared.


  1. Don’t try to change the system: As a new joiner, you will be proactive to give your feedback on the certain way things are done, such feedback is generally not accepted because a huge effort has been taken in place to get into the system and changing it will require even more. Rather, you should adapt to it give small suggestions and gradually try to get the system the way you want.
  2. Act uncarefully: You have given a task to change the X feature and when you see the code, your findings are the code written earlier doesn’t make sense and you comment that or worst remove it. In such a case, you are very likely to fall in trouble because the code may be useful somewhere in some cases. Instead, you should try to understand the block of code from your senior and act accordingly.
  3. Handle Information: Yes, at times you will be overloaded with information and the key is to relax and keep reminding yourself that the information will make sense, it's just a matter of time.

Practice on the points and I am sure you will have a smooth time initially in your organization. You can expand the list by commenting down and sharing your inputs.

You can connect with me here.




Yashodeep Kacholiya

Having a craftsman mindset, always focus on what I can offer the world.