Oath of Peak’s Play and Earn mechanism explained

7 min readJan 12, 2023


Oath of Peak is a major blockchain-enhanced MMORPG set to be released by Yeeha Games. As a GameFi project, Oath of Peak was developed with a “Game first” approach, with the “Fi” (i.e., Finance) side of the project to be added only once we could determine how to improve and supplement the gameplay further.

Like all games, Oath of Peak is designed to provide gamers with a fantastic gameplay experience; in fact, it’s NOT designed with the primary purpose of enabling players to earn.

Still, there’s potential for players to generate returns by providing a positive gaming experience for others. This article shares details on how Oath of Peak, enhanced with blockchain technology, enables players to be rewarded for their contribution to the Oath of Peak gaming experience

Compensation for Providing a Richer Gameplay Experience

The primary purpose of Oath of Peak is to provide a fun gameplay experience. Blockchain integration allows players to be rewarded in exchange for their contributions to the gameplay experience. This section explores what this means, and how this works in detail.

Providing other players with Primordial Spirit Beasts

Two of the most important assets in the game are Kiufeng and Huodou NFTs, and they’re quite hard to get. Remember: There are only 5000 each for Houdou and Kiufeng, and these Genesis Primordial Spirit Beasts (PSBs) are the only PSBs that can breed to create more PSB NFTs (i.e., gen2 Spirit Beasts).

While gen2 PSBs can’t be used for breeding, they tend to have some of the best stats in the game. (They’re even stronger than their parents!) Holders of Genesis PSBs can use them to breed gen2 PSB NFTs and sell them to other players. In doing so, the sellers are rewarded for providing a richer in-game experience to the buyers.

Players who own a Genesis PSB can choose to sell their NFT as well. Since the supply of Genesis PSBs is limited and demand will continue to rise as more players join the game, players who have sold their NFT have the potential to secure a profit once the sale is made.

Providing other players with shells

Shells are the core currency in Oath of Peak, and their demand will continue to rise as more players join the game. Players with a surplus of shells can sell them to others who need them. In other words, players can generate revenue by supporting others as well as the ecosystem.

While shells can be obtained in many ways, there are several notable approaches that are highly efficient. Let’s take a look.


One of the most efficient ways to obtain tradable shells in Oath of Peak is to send your Spirit Beasts on Materialization quests, where the amount of rewards obtained is directly tied to your Spirit Beast’s stats and affinities. At the end of each day, players will be rewarded with shells based on the number of materialization quests they completed the previous day.

Swordbroken Abyss

The Swordbroken Abyss is a cross-server challenge area where players can compete in PVE and PVP events. Players can win various rewards by participating in these events, especially the PVP events, where the rewards can add up to a substantial sum of exchangeable shells.

Selling items

Exchangeable shells can also be obtained by selling items at the shop or on the open markets (on the Yeeha Games platform or in-game), much like how traditional MMORPGs operate.

Daily activity rewards

Another way to obtain shells without owning any NFTs is to participate in the daily activity rewards. Players simply have to complete their Daily Quests and earn Activity points. Once enough points are accumulated, 10,000 exchangeable shells are rewarded to the player.

How to redeem gPKTK with shells

Choose “Market” → “Limited Trade” → “Exchange gPKTK”. You can swap your shells for gPKTK, and vice versa.

Note: Each transaction is accompanied with a negligible processing fee. Moreover, daily limits are imposed on how much gPKTK can be traded to ensure stability of the ecosystem.

Video games are about the experience. Period.

Many GameFi projects that exist today place the concept of “earning” front and center, while neglecting the game itself. Consequently, these projects end up lacking actual gameplay experience, and start resembling nothing more than financial instruments with game skins, instead of actual video games that can be played.

In addition, traditional GameFi projects have several other characteristics that hinder a player’s ability to enjoy the gameplay experience:

  • In the early stages of development, GameFi projects tend to set a high barrier of entry, forcing participants to invest a substantial sum just to try out the project.
  • Not only are participants asked to invest their own money, they’re also asked to spend their time promoting the GameFi project via their own social media channels!
  • In the early GameFi projects, the revenue came from newer participants funding the ecosystem. The system would inevitably collapse once the sustainable supply of new participants dried up. Such an event could be triggered by a sudden drop in the project’s token price, catalyzing a self-perpetuating death spiral (i.e., Token value goes down, leading to fewer new participants wanting to join.)

Oath of Peak studied this approach and turned it on its head. Armed with a completely different strategy, Oath of Peak was built with a focus on 3 concepts:

  • The game is 100% free to play. Players are not required to make any purchase whatsoever to experience the adventures across the Omnispirit Realm.
  • True ownership of virtual assets: Participation in NFTs and other virtual assets is totally optional. Players are also free to use their assets in the game, as well as trade them on the open market.
  • Backing the value of virtual assets with gameplay experience: Oath of Peak is implementing a healthy and sustainable economic model, by backing the value of the virtual assets with the most valuable element of any video game: the gameplay experience.

Economic Model

The economic model of Oath of Peak is built upon battle-tested economic models of traditional MMORPGs. Blockchain technology was further integrated into the gameplay mechanics to improve the ability for assets to be exchanged, as well as to reward players for contributing to each other’s experience.

The 4 main elements of Oath of Peak’s economic model are as follows:

  • Shells: Shells are the main currency in Oath of Peak. Like in other MMORPGs, shells can be obtained by playing the game such as via quest rewards, monster drops, and farming (i.e., spirit beast Materialization). Also like in standard MMORPG currencies, shells can be used for different purposes, such as purchasing gear, upgrades, crafting materials, and guild training.
  • PKTK: PKTK is the utility token in Oath of Peak. The token comes in 2 forms:

1. The on-chain form is called $PKTK

2. The offchain/in-game form is called gPKTK Each gPKTK is bound to a PKTK token. PKTK can be exchanged for rare items in the game (with certain limitations). PKTK can also be exchanged for shells on a 1:1 basis. Players can obtain PKTK in several ways, from buying it to exchanging shells for the token, with certain limitations. PKTK has a limited supply, and it has a floating exchange rate, so its value fluctuates based on the economic activity in the game.

  • $OOP: The governance token of Oath of Peak, players can obtain $OOP by participating in the governance of the game or by attending certain events organized by the Yeeha Games team.
  • NFTs: NFTs are used sparingly in Oath of Peak. In fact, the only appearance of NFTs in-game is via a special type of spirit beasts. These NFTs comprise the core assets of the game. There are 2 types of NFTs: Genesis Primordial Spirit Beasts (Genesis PSBs) and Primordial Spirit Beasts (PSBs). In total, there will only ever be 10,000 Genesis PSB NFTs, of which 5,000 are Huodou spirit beasts, and the other 5,000 are Kiufeng spirit beasts. Genesis PSBs have a base Intelligence of 199 and are graded Rare. Like other spirit beasts, Genesis PSBs can breed more PSBs. The resultant gen2 PSBs tend to have much higher stats, and are born with either a Mythic or Divine status.

Overall, Oath of Peak enhances the standard MMORPG economic model with a battle-tested multicurrency economic system combining dual tokens and NFTs. Moreover, the game introduces the swapping mechanism between on- and off-chain assets, in addition to the NFT breeding feature, to address the challenges faced by other current GameFi projects, thereby ensuring a healthy and unique gaming ecosystem.

Helping stabilize the economy

As mentioned, the PKTK tokens and shells are subjected to a floating exchange rate. In other words, the exchange rate between these two currencies fluctuates constantly.

Players can choose to invest during periods of market volatility, which helps secure the value of Oath of Peak’s assets in reflecting their market demand, thereby helping other players acquire these assets at a fair price.

Implementing mutually beneficial gaming and marketplace dynamics for the game ensures that Oath of Peak provides a sustainable and supportive ecosystem for all the players involved.

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