Houston Texans Jersey Redesign A New Look for a Beloved Team

10 min readFeb 7, 2024

The Houston Texans are a beloved football team in the city of Houston, Texas. With a strong fan base and a history of success on the field, the team has become an integral part of the community. One way that fans show their support for the Texans is by wearing team merchandise, specifically jerseys. However, with the recent trend of jersey redesigns in the NFL, many fans have been wondering if the Houston Texans will also be getting a new look. In this blog post, we will explore some potential redesign ideas for the Houston Texans jersey and discuss why they would be a hit among fans.

“Dabbing Skull” Houston Texans T-Shirts


One popular trend in sports merchandise is incorporating popular culture references into team apparel. The “dabbing skull” design has become a fan favorite, with its edgy and modern aesthetic. This design features a skull wearing a Texans helmet and doing the popular dance move known as the “dab.” It would make for a unique and eye-catching addition to the Houston Texans jersey collection.

Unique Design

The “dabbing skull” design would be a departure from the traditional logo and color scheme of the Houston Texans . However, it would still maintain the essence of the team by incorporating the iconic helmet and team name. This design would appeal to younger fans who are looking for something more modern and edgy, while still representing their favorite team.

Potential for Merchandise Sales

Incorporating the “dabbing skull” design into the Houston Texans jersey would not only attract new fans but also increase merchandise sales. Fans are always looking for new and unique designs to add to their collection, and this design would definitely stand out among other NFL team jerseys. Plus, with the popularity of the “dab” dance move, this design would have a wider appeal beyond just football fans.

Fan Reaction

The “dabbing skull” design has already been used on other sports team merchandise, and it has received a positive reaction from fans. It is a fun and playful design that would add some personality to the Houston Texans jersey. Fans would be excited to see their team represented in a new and unique way, and it would generate buzz and excitement for the upcoming season.

“I Am A Texansaholic” Houston Texans T-Shirts


Another popular trend in sports merchandise is incorporating fan slogans into team apparel. The phrase “I am a Texansaholic” has become synonymous with die-hard Houston Texans fans, and it would make for a great addition to the team’s jersey collection.

Showcasing Team Spirit

The phrase “I am a Texansaholic” perfectly captures the passion and dedication of Houston Texans fans. By incorporating it into the team’s jersey, it would showcase the strong team spirit and sense of community among fans. It would also serve as a reminder to players that they have a loyal and dedicated fan base supporting them.


One of the great things about the phrase “I am a Texansaholic” is that it can apply to all fans, regardless of age, gender, or background. This inclusivity would make the jersey design more appealing to a wider range of fans. It would also create a sense of unity among fans, as they proudly wear their “Texansaholic” jerseys to games and events.

Marketing Potential

The “I am a Texansaholic” design would have great marketing potential for the team. It could be used in various promotional campaigns and advertisements, creating a strong brand identity for the Houston Texans . It could also be incorporated into other merchandise, such as hats, t-shirts, and accessories, further increasing revenue for the team.

“I Love More Than Being a Houston Texans Fan” T-Shirts

Another popular trend in sports merchandise is incorporating humor into team apparel. The phrase “I love more than being a Houston Texans fan” is a playful take on the team’s name and would make for a great addition to the jersey collection.

Humorous Design

The “I love more than being a Houston Texans fan” design would add a touch of humor to the team’s jersey collection. It would also serve as a conversation starter among fans, creating a sense of camaraderie and bonding over their shared love for the team.


One of the great things about this design is that it can be personalized to include different interests or hobbies. For example, “I love more than being a Houston Texans fan… my dog” or “my job” or “my family.” This personalization would make the jersey more meaningful to fans and create a stronger emotional connection to the team.

Social Media Buzz

Incorporating the “I love more than being a Houston Texans fan” design into the team’s jersey would generate buzz on social media. Fans would be excited to share photos of themselves wearing the jersey with their personalized interests, creating free marketing for the team. It would also encourage fans to engage with the team’s social media accounts, further increasing their online presence.

Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Houston Texans T-Shirt

Similar to the “I am a Texansaholic” design, the phrase “Everybody has an addiction mine just happens to be Houston Texans “ is another slogan that has become popular among fans. By incorporating this into the team’s jersey, it would showcase the unwavering dedication of Houston Texans fans.

Unique Slogan

The phrase “Everybody has an addiction mine just happens to be Houston Texans “ is a clever play on words that would make for a unique and memorable jersey design. It would also resonate with fans who proudly proclaim their love for the team.

Fan Representation

Incorporating this slogan into the Houston Texans jersey would not only showcase fan dedication but also represent them on a larger scale. It would serve as a reminder to other teams and fans that the Houston Texans have a strong and passionate fan base, making them a force to be reckoned with.

Merchandise Sales

The “Everybody has an addiction mine just happens to be Houston Texans “ design would make for a great addition to the team’s merchandise collection. Fans would be eager to add this unique and clever design to their collection, further increasing merchandise sales for the team.

Houston Texans Mickey Mouse Disney Football T-Shirt by Rook Brand Clothing

One of the most popular trends in sports merchandise is collaborations with other brands. The Houston Texans could partner with Disney to create a unique and fun jersey design featuring Mickey Mouse playing football.

Appeal to Younger Fans

The collaboration with Disney would appeal to younger fans who are fans of both the Houston Texans and Disney characters. This would create a new generation of fans and increase the team’s fan base.

Unique Design

The Houston Texans Mickey Mouse Disney Football T-Shirt by Rook Brand Clothing would be a one-of-a-kind jersey design that would stand out among other NFL team jerseys. It would also incorporate elements of both the Houston Texans and Disney, creating a unique and memorable design.

Marketing Potential

Partnering with Disney would open up new marketing opportunities for the Houston Texans . The jersey design could be used in promotional campaigns and advertisements, reaching a wider audience beyond just football fans. It would also generate buzz and excitement for the team, attracting new fans and increasing revenue.

Nothing Beats Houston Texans T-Shirt for Fan

Another popular trend in sports merchandise is incorporating motivational phrases into team apparel. The phrase “Nothing beats Houston Texans “ would make for a great addition to the team’s jersey collection.

Motivational Design

The phrase “Nothing beats Houston Texans “ is a motivational reminder to fans that their team is the best. It would also serve as a source of inspiration for players, reminding them of the unwavering support and dedication of their fans.


Similar to the “I am a Texansaholic” design, the phrase “Nothing beats Houston Texans “ can apply to all fans, regardless of age, gender, or background. This inclusivity would make the jersey design more appealing to a wider range of fans, creating a sense of unity among supporters of the team.

Merchandise Sales

The “Nothing beats Houston Texans “ design would have great merchandise sales potential. Fans are always looking for new and unique designs to add to their collection, and this motivational phrase would be a popular addition to their wardrobe.

Houston Texans Logo Football Teams Ugly Christmas Sweater Men V-Neck T-Shirt

Ugly Christmas sweaters have become a popular trend in sports merchandise, and the Houston Texans could jump on board with their own version featuring the team’s logo and colors.

Unique Design

The Houston Texans Logo Football Teams Ugly Christmas Sweater Men V-Neck T-Shirt would be a fun and festive addition to the team’s jersey collection. It would incorporate the team’s logo and colors into a holiday-themed design, making it a unique and memorable item for fans.

Holiday Spirit

Wearing an ugly Christmas sweater has become a fun tradition during the holiday season, and incorporating the Houston Texans into this trend would create a sense of holiday spirit among fans. It would also serve as a conversation starter among fans, creating a sense of camaraderie and bonding over their shared love for the team.

Merchandise Sales

Ugly Christmas sweaters have become a popular item among sports fans, and the Houston Texans version would be no exception. Fans would be eager to add this unique and festive design to their collection, increasing merchandise sales for the team.

Houston Texans Fuck Both Teams Just Let My Numbers Classic T-Shirt

Another trend in sports merchandise is incorporating bold and edgy designs into team apparel. The phrase “Fuck both teams just let my numbers” would make for a bold and attention-grabbing addition to the Houston Texans jersey collection.

Edgy Design

The phrase “Fuck both teams just let my numbers” is a bold statement that would make for an edgy and unique jersey design. It would appeal to fans who are looking for something different and would make a statement at games and events.

Fan Representation

Incorporating this design into the Houston Texans jersey would represent the passion and dedication of fans who are fiercely loyal to their team. It would also showcase the team’s dominance on the field, making it a popular choice among supporters.

Social Media Buzz

The bold and edgy design of the “Fuck both teams just let my numbers” jersey would generate buzz on social media. Fans would be excited to share photos of themselves wearing the jersey, creating free marketing for the team. It would also encourage fans to engage with the team’s social media accounts, further increasing their online presence.

Houston Texans T-Shirts Hoodie Houston Texans Football Team Fueled By Haters

One final trend in sports merchandise is incorporating motivational phrases into team apparel. The phrase “ Houston Texans football team fueled by haters” would make for a great addition to the team’s jersey collection.

Motivational Design

The phrase “ Houston Texans football team fueled by haters” is a reminder to fans and players that despite any criticism or negativity, the team will continue to thrive and succeed. It would serve as a source of motivation and inspiration for both the team and its supporters.


This design would appeal to all fans, regardless of age, gender, or background. It would also create a sense of unity among supporters of the team, as they proudly wear their “fueled by haters” jerseys to games and events.

Merchandise Sales

The “ Houston Texans football team fueled by haters” design would have great merchandise sales potential. Fans are always looking for new and unique designs to add to their collection, and this motivational phrase would be a popular addition to their wardrobe.

Houston Texans Halloween Polo Shirt

One final idea for a redesign of the Houston Texans jersey is incorporating a Halloween-themed design. The Houston Texans Halloween Polo Shirt would feature the team’s logo and colors in a spooky and fun design.

Unique Design

The Houston Texans Halloween Polo Shirt would be a one-of-a-kind jersey design that would stand out among other NFL team jerseys. It would incorporate elements of both the Houston Texans and Halloween, making it a unique and memorable item for fans.

Holiday Spirit

Wearing themed apparel during holidays has become a fun tradition, and incorporating the Houston Texans into this trend would create a sense of holiday spirit among fans. It would also serve as a conversation starter among fans, creating a sense of camaraderie and bonding over their shared love for the team.

Merchandise Sales

Themed apparel is always a hit among fans, and the Houston Texans Halloween Polo Shirt would be no exception. Fans would be eager to add this unique and festive design to their collection, increasing merchandise sales for the team.


In conclusion, there are many potential redesign ideas for the Houston Texans jersey that would be a hit among fans. From incorporating popular culture references and fan slogans to collaborating with other brands and incorporating holiday themes, the possibilities are endless. These designs would not only attract new fans but also increase merchandise sales and generate buzz and excitement for the team. No matter what direction the Houston Texans decide to go in with their jersey redesign, one thing is for sure – fans will proudly wear their new jerseys and continue to support their beloved team.

