Chakra Guide|How Do You Open Your Chakra Energies?

Yunus Emre Kaya
3 min readMay 21, 2022


Since ancient times, it has been thought that people are composed of energy, that these energies are located in different parts of the body and control different emotions, and that various health problems may occur as a result of energy irregularities. Although various healing methods have been found with the development of medicine recently, the idea of ​​human being as an energetic being has still persisted and these views have been supported by various researches. Changes can be made on these energy points by meditation, imagery, affirmation and operations on various pressure points, and basically these energy points are mostly connected with the brain and therefore with the emotions of the human being.

In this article, we have discussed which energy points are located in humans, where they are controlled by which emotions, the color of that point, and what problems will arise if it is in balance or not.

Root Chakra

Color : Red

Region : Beginning of Spine ( Coccyx )

Emotion : Survival

Balanced : Peace & Satisfaction / Unbalanced : Greed & Materialism, Dissatisfaction

Sacral Chakra

Color : Orange

Region : Under the Belly, Groin

Emotion: Sexuality

Balanced : Joy, Passion, Sex Life / Unbalanced : Low/High Libido , Sex Life

Solar Plexus Chakra

Color: Yellow

Region : Abdomen

Emotion: Wisdom, Consciousness, Mind

Balanced: Purposeful, Self-Esteeming / Unstable: Constant Criticism, Confidence Problem

Heart Chakra

Color : Green

Region: Chest/Heart

Emotion: Regulates All Emotions

Balanced: Loving Oneself/Others / Unbalanced: Relationship Problems

Throat Chakra

Color: Blue

Region: Neck

Emotion: Communication/Speech

Balanced: Inner Self Awareness/ Inner Peace / Unstable: Concealment/ Introversion

Third Eye Chakra

Color: Indigo

Region: Get

Emotion: Inner Wisdom

Balanced: Self-Actualization/Finding Life Purpose / Unbalanced: Self-Doubt, Insecurity

Crown Chakra

Color: Purple

Region: Above Head,

Emotion: Spiritual/Spiritual

Balanced: Unity Consciousness / Dedication / Unbalanced: Solitude / Withdrawal



Yunus Emre Kaya

Writes about business, personal growth and recent technologies