Discerning Relationships II | Busayo Oladimeji

Yemi Olutoye
2 min readFeb 15, 2017


Ephesians 1:11, “In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.”

I have been drumming on purpose like a village town crier, now it’s time to learn and understand what purpose is. Before I start though, I would like us to remember a few things from previous post:

  • Relationship is the state of being connected
  • We are all connected
  • Our purpose is older than us

Purpose is divided into two. We all have a general purpose but we all have individual roles (purpose) to play in achieving that purpose; so we have a general purpose and we have individualized purpose.

Let me use the analogy of a Soft Drink Production Company. The company’s mission is this, ‘To provide quality, affordable and nutritious soft drink for the young at heart.’ We can take this to be the General Purpose. The company consist of staffs who are split into different roles;

  • The General Manager
  • The Store/Inventory Manager
  • The Factory Workers
  • The Quality Control Officers
  • The Marketers
  • The Accountant
  • The Cleaners etc.

Each worker has his own specific role to play in achieving the company’s mission. This is there individualized purpose. The role is so individualized that the accountant can’t function as a quality control officer and vice versa but they can’t also exist as a separate entity. They have to work together in fulfilling that purpose.

In summary, if we are all connected, that means there is one common purpose for believers but we have different roles to play in the fulfillment of that purpose.

Your purpose therefore is a weave in the fabric of that one purpose for believers here on earth. If your purpose stands apart from that one purpose, then you haven’t found purpose.

Next post will be about that one purpose God has for believers.

Stay tuned and stay blessed.

Originally published at Naija Christians.



Yemi Olutoye

If you don’t start, you’ll never know how far you can go.