How Should Christians Respond To Failure

Yemi Olutoye
2 min readJun 22, 2017


Earlier this year, I read a book by John C. Maxwell — Failing forward — and it changed my view of failure drastically. Prior to that time, I had heard things like ‘Failing does not make you a failure’ ‘You are prone to fail too if you want to succeed’ and so on, but I never really understood till I read this book.

Anyone can fail, depending on what you see failure as. Failure is not just having an ‘F’ in a course, it is not just when you err. As a matter of fact, you are the only person who can determine whether you have failed or not, and this is largely based on your perception or response to mistakes.

Failure is not irreversible, it is not indelible and it is not final. It’s all in how you choose to look at it. Take your mistakes and make them into stepping stones for success. That is what they should be.

For us as Christians, it only gets better because Jesus did say that in the world, we will have tribulations but He has overcome them all. You have this life, and you are strong enough to live it because Jesus has got you covered. He does not promise that you will not fail, instead He gives us assurance that He will be with us through it all, even to the close of age.

We are more than conquerors. We always win.

Originally published at Naija Christians.



Yemi Olutoye

If you don’t start, you’ll never know how far you can go.