Most websites are useless. Here’s how to fix that.

Yeti Inc
6 min readApr 30, 2019

Most websites are useless. So useless that they’re driving potential customers crazy.

They’re useless because they’re forcing the customer to spend valuable calories attempting to decipher a frustrating riddle; what do you offer, why should I care, and what should I do next?

Despite the fact that your website’s sole purpose is to generate leads, sales and to beat your competition, you naturally fill your site with content all about your own company, successes, and accolades. That’s what a website is for right?

Your website’s content should be about how to make your customer the hero, not yourself.

Make your customers the hero, solve only their problems, and all the personal accolades you seek will fall into place.

And you’ll feel good about how you achieved it too.

You can create a website that generates leads and sales, but it requires an intentional focus on the websites most important features.

If you implement these 5 simple website upgrades, you’ll have a site that you’re excited about sharing, is clear in it’s offering, and actually entices your potential customer to pick up the phone, place that order, or schedule that consultation.

1. Fix your headline



Yeti Inc

We’re Yeti, and we bring ideas to life for people crazy enough to have them. Yeti is a brand strategy and experience design company. Be a Monster.™