Social Media Guidelines

kate mun
2 min readNov 30, 2015


These guidelines provide practical advice about how to use and manage social media in business and website development setting. Social media comes down to a simple basic human desire: the need to connect with other humans, to be part of a group. Social media helps you listen to what people are saying, including your customers, prospects, peers and competitors.

*How can we use the social media:

1: Sell Products or Services

The instant nature of social media is ideal for sales. It’s no wonder social networks have become full-blown marketing channels. When you’re selling, your updates likely include discounts and coupons, limited-time deals, new releases and promotions.

2: Become a Leading Industry Resource

The most typical social media approach is positioning yourself as a resource. Content marketing professionals recognize social media channels as conduits and use them to pass information to fans, followers and customers.

3: Provide Quality Customer Service

All companies want to give their customers the best experience possible, and right now that means providing customer service on social media. These days, many customers choose to bypass annoying phone menus and hold times in favour of a quick social media update (tweets are particularly popular).

While the overarching theme of social media is to connect with one another and share information, it’s also important to understand how people use each social platform more specifically.

Why people use social media broken down by platform:

Facebook- Facebook is the largest social platform. We use it to see what our network is doing in their day-to-day activities.

Twitter- While many use Twitter to connect with their immediate social network, it’s typically a place where we go for niche content that interests us.

LinkedIn- LinkedIn is typically where people go to look for jobs and/or connect with other business professionals.

You can combine them in a way that supports your current and long-term goals

