Please don’t read if you are wary of strangers

3 min readJul 1, 2015


In the present world, We have shifted to a virtual life. With the advent of social networking sites, We have a completely different social life. All of us are able to be in touch with a lot of friends all across the globe. But we do sometimes realize that although we have a lot of friends on social networking sites, We are cutoff from our own neighborhood. We know people living far on the globe, but the irony is we don’t know people within a radius of 5 KM from our place. YoApp is a social media app which helps you in connecting with people around you. You just need to install the app, log into it and you will come to know about the people living within 5 km from your place. You can chat with them, ask questions, and lot more.

In a nutshell, YoApp is a hyperlocal app (or social local app) to explore your surrounding by connecting with nearby people or nearby business. It is location based social networking app. It enables local chat with people nearby as well as local microblog. YoApp says : “If you can share location, you can share even more”.

1 . Get tuned with what’s up around you.

2. Find local and fresh message from who are locally present.

3. Share what’s up around you through Message/chat.

4. Local bulletin board for your area by showing the most recent posts from other users around you. News, funny experiences, shout outs, and jokes.

5. Enjoy secure and real-time chat.

6. Local deals and local offers from registered local /surrounding retailer / businesses . Local news includes Food, Events, Fashion, Exhibitions, Travel spots, Home Décor, or anything.

Install it from




YoApp : Be social at local. The Hyperlocal App to help you connect & enjoy your nearby surrounding.