Fusion’s Telegram Q&A 27/07/2018

2 min readJul 31, 2018


Hi DJ, thank you for the hard work, any details about the hardware reqs for the master-node?

Not yet

Fusion is still on track for genesis block being mined in 2 weeks?

The current version I choose for main net is not stable. These days, tech team found there are some problem for time locked token running in the smart contract. working hard to fix it. Will let all of you know if we have any progress

When the wallets are released, will they also include mobile wallets for iOS and Android? What is the timescale for wallet release?

We will launch a simple version of wallet first. But we have partners developing two 3rd party wallet.

Ahh that’s a shame, Dj but its part of a good testing process. Even if we get a further delay after 6 weeks of summer of fusion, we still believe in your long-term success. Only release when you are absolutely sure on security and stability! Community is behind you and your team. But you will have to give us some other juicy details like CTO name to compensate for delays. We are like children and need candy :)

Of course, we have a lot of progress. Juicy details will come. Hope next week

Is fusion not involved in the development of mobile wallets?

We support partners

Any more news on further 100bill of assets locked in? You were in talks with 10 new companies last time. Progress going well?

I think progress is beyond good regarding the industry adoption

DJ: “Making our dream come true is not easy. but no matter what problem in front of us, we can solve it sooner or later.”

Provided by Fusion Information Overview, a community-led telegram channel.




“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead