Today DJ Qian (Fusion’s CEO) answered our question from the community members about PSN (Payable Staged Network).

Question: Instead of fsn we stake psn?

DJ: Yes, you stake time locked P-FSN. The reward will be P-FSN and ERC20 FSN which is being traded in exchange today
And you can swap P-FSN or time locked P-FSN for other tokens by using quantum swap function provided by fusion
You can trade your ERC-20 FSN in exchanges after the snapshot block. But when we migrate from PSN to main net, will still use pretty the same way, and one more step needed is burning ERC20 FSN

Question: P-FSN rewarded can be exchanged to erc20 fsn, and the ratio is 1:1?

DJ: not exchange, you will keep you P-FSN, and foundation will send additional ERC20 FSN reward to each block packer
raitio will be disclosed soon

Question: I think quantum swap function will be acting like decentralized exchange?

DJ: We embeded an engine, but fusion does not match orders. That leaves a profitable area for arbitrade

So, again, this is a very important reminder:leave your FSN in a wallet whose private key/keystore is controlled by yourself when ethereum generates its 6,868000th block
currently, block height of ethereum is 6,750,661

Question: Will the team embed dcrm to stagenet for testing?

DJ: will be integrated thru chain connector using DCRM when it is appropriate

Question: Hi DJ with the current state of the stagenet, what’s your timeline of moving to the mainnet? Considering no major bug has been found

DJ: the sooner the better. for PSN, we are using community 10% to be reward. The earlier we could get main net go live, the more FSN we can save for usage in other aspects

Question: You will get psn for reward. And psn can be exchanges to erc20 fsn

DJ: not exchange to erc20 fsn.
every 1 P-FSN node runner as reward in each block of PSN,foundation will give additional ERC20 FSN as reward separately

Question: There is no lilo function in stagenet, and block is just pos block

DJ: No lilo in PSN from very beginning,but will move DCRM LILO on to it when it is proved secure

Question: Dj when mainnet and when new big exchange ???

DJ: You can treat PSN as main net, it has almost full function already and much stronger than any other “main net” in this industry

Question:— New road map and when fsn wallet ?

DJ: definitely before PSN is alive

Question: Cannot trade psn as told before

DJ: we will not seek listing for PSN. But in function wise,P-FSN is tradable.
If anyone wants to buy,of course you can sell it. That means it’s tradable

Question: Ok i understand how it works now.
1. You hold erc20 fsn, and the team will snapshot how many fsn you have, and give you PSN for stagenet testing

2. You stake psn and get rewarded.

3. The team will give you erc20 fsn mannually according to how many rewarded PSN you have. Ratio of PSN to Erc20 fsn is to be determined

DJ: perfect. stake time locked PSN. You all will love it

Question: And this is weekly in terms of FSN rewards, isn;t it?

DJ: This will also be disclosed soon

Question: But what tokens we have to swap with mainnet coins, erc 20 fsn tokens or psn tokens?

DJ: ERC20 FSN token

Question: If we are spared of any critical bugs, do you plan to reset the PSN and issue a new token when mainnet goes live? Or our intention is go to mainnet with PSN as it is?

DJ: if big problem,we have to stop and correct the bug of course. That’s the purpose of PSN

DJ: To earn money on PSN,you have 3 ways:
1. get a server,run a node,do staking,pack blocks,get reward,place order to get more time locked P-FSN by using quantum swap function just like risk free mining pool
2. time lock P-FSN you get and place order using quantum swap to sell your first part of P-FSN for profit.
3. because quantum swap on fusion does not match orders,and order can open to public or restricted to limited person,so there are much profit area for arbitrade

Question: So you mean (referring to 1) get a VPS and run a ‘supremenode’ if you got more than 5000 P-FSN to pack blocks for more rewards or just settle
for normal staking (POS) for lesser rewards?

DJ: in PSN,there will be no supreme node,only POS consensus. Supreme node will be needed in LILO

Question: In mainnet, fsn core wallet is still based on mew right? Sir

DJ: It does not matter if it is based on mew or not. We encourage
more ppl to develop more wallets for fusion

Question: Probably because I have seen many projects using source code from myetherwallet, but I would be looking forward to good things from FSN.

DJ: re-use open source code does not mean low quality. After all,we don’t need to invent wheel twice. My philosophy is take strength from others even from enemies,dump weakness no matter how difficult it is
Once our code released,anyone who knows how to code,please develop more wallet for fusion

Question: Could I ask u a question out of Fusion a bit? What do you think about the current state of the market?

DJ: ppl are panic about this market at current price is because it went down from a high price. But 4000USD for BTC is still a very remarkable price. If it just went up from 500 to 4000,ppl will be excited. So,it is because of the trend not because of the price position. But when we are talking about the trend,I am a firm believer that this technology is going to rock the world. Value is going to be digitized very soon.

Question: I’ll try to develop fsn block explorer

DJ: Thanks!a simple block explorer will also be provided before PSN launch. We need your help to develop a better one

Question: How many percent a month (about staking ROI)

DJ: it depends on how many ppl participate stacking. If only you and me,it would be 27000% per month and 324000% annual return
You don’t lock up fsn. Time locked p-fsn is used to do staking

* Also, Joey asked us:

Yesterday I have asked for any unclear thing in the article released for PSN. So far I have only received questions from MH and Yolmer. Please PM me your questions
Please, all the questions in PM. Otherwise I can never find them again.

Make sure to check out the article from Fusion about PSN if you haven’t yet.

Provided by Fusion Information Overview, a community-led telegram channel.




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