2 min readDec 31, 2016


Been over a year since I wrote anything last, so I really hope I make sense.

2016 is/was hands down, the shittiest year ever in my life. It had its ups and downs and I’m really just grateful that I’m alive.

In January, I went back to school for my ‘final semester’. I was to start my final preparations for my project defense. I was kinda worried about not being able to do it. ‘It’ being building a quadcopter and a monitoring system to monitor oil pipelines as a proof of concept. Yep. That was my project topic and boy did it cost a lot of money.

Had to get all the parts from the Abroad, thankfully this was before the Dollar ti won era and Anakle came through.

Ignore the shoe

Project defense came and I aced that. Sort of. After a perfect flight test on the previous day before defense, the quadcopter started well and then I lost control and it crashed into a tree. Lolz.

Random quadcopter crash

Then the shitty part came. Dad lost his job which he had been at for about 30 years. This was a very tough period and I learnt that there are people who really will kick while you are down.

What else?

Didn’t graduate from Uni (Miss all of my coursemates).

But some cool stuff did happen too. I went back to Anakle to do awesome work for about 3 months. Met some awesome people and made new friends. Anthill was formed.

I’m also working on getting better at this coding thing. It’s one of the things I’m going to keep working on in 2017. I got the chance to work on some cool projects. I worked with some awesome people at Devcenter to make this (I really should write on how working on an open source project makes you a better developer and helps you learn).

I wrote an academic paper and it got published. For real. I had help from my project supervisor and did the whole presentation and shit.

I worked with some friends to make Selar (If you sell via social media and you do this regularly “DM me to order”, then this is for you.) and I also made some other stuff like this and this.

Trying to be cool

All in all, I think I made some growth in a year where everything that could have possibly gone wrong went wrong and grateful for all the experiences I’ve had.

I’m not really gung ho about the whole new year, new me bants but I really do hope to achieve and build stuff that matters in 2017.

Big ups to everyone who made bright moments in a year that was filled with dark ones. Thank you and I hope for many more bright moments in the new year.

Issa new year✌🏿


JavaScript Developer. Wannabe Designer and Chief Procrastinator at Selar.co and Worklogs.co