Meet Samurai Israel Portfolio

Yony Golan
4 min readDec 20, 2016


Part 1 — Lemmeno

Meet Michal Meiri and her startup Lemmeno (‘Let me know’).

Q)What does your startup do?

A) Lemmeno provides an interactive visual content platform for publishers, brands and marketers. Our technology instantly converts static visual content into an interactive experience, measurable to the very last bit. Businesses can easily create rich interactive content without any coding to actively engage users, increase web traffic and expand monetization tools. We have some amazing clients in Israel and the US and are really excited about what’s next to come…

Q) What sparked your interest in becoming an entrepreneur?

A) I’ve always been fascinated by technology and learned to code at a young age. I did my Master’s degree at Cambridge and worked as product manager for several startups in London. I found myself managing a startup within a startup, and realized I could actually build something new from scratch — from ideation to product and finally growth. Working at a startup that is already established and well funded is way easier than creating one on your own. But the ability to develop an idea, make it into a real usable product, raise funds and challenge yourself on a daily basis is the beauty of having a startup. I always keep in mind that “If I don’t push myself (and my team) every morning, no one else would do it for me”.

Q) How would you describe the Israeli business/ startup culture?

A) The startup ecosystem in Israel is amazing and incredibly supportive. The fact that it’s such a small hub, makes entrepreneurs’ life simpler. You can easily get in touch with almost anyone, from clients to investors. Israelis are not afraid to take risks, and we have this special “Chutzpah” factor. Startups sometime think they can change the world, and the truth is that some of them can actually do it. Well established business are also very open to working with startups and highly embrace innovation, so it makes Israel a great place to run pilots. Since coming back to Israel (after living in the UK for 5 years), I have had the opportunity to meet so many talented entrepreneurs and mentors and I’m very satisfied with my decision of setting up the foundations in Tel Aviv.

Q) What led you to Samurai?

A) One thing that I really like about Samurai is the access to the Asian and Japanese market. We have several Asian clients in the pipeline and without Samurai it would be much more difficult to gain access to these important geographical regions. My favorite part about Samurai though is the people; when you meet Yony and Ken who are so professional, open minded and positive, you immediately want to have them as partners in your company.

Q)What makes Samurai different from other incubation programs?

A) Since Samurai is an early stage incubator, joining them is like joining a family. I’m surrounded by a group of highly motivated and supportive entrepreneurs — some who’ve faced with similar challenges and those who are there to lend an ear and give a good advice. Through Samurai, I was introduced to some amazing influencers in the startup ecosystem.

Q) How did you build your team, or what qualities did you look for when building your team?

A) The best way to build a team is to ask through your network. I look for committed, trustworthy experts (in their fields) who are also fun to work with. I love to work with people who challenge my thinking. My previous manager once told me that she always tries to hire people who are smarter than her and I always keep that in mind when hiring people. Also, I’ve been extremely fortunate to pull together a fantastic advisory board for Lemmeno. My mentors & advisors contribute their time and talent whenever needed and are all incredibly helpful in shaping the future of the company. What truly sets them apart is their loyalty and support through the ups and downs.

Q ) How do you decide when to change your product or when to perfect your ideas?

A) Actually before the current model, we started off as a different product, which was B2C and then we did a pivot. The new B2B2C model allows us to reach more people in shorter time while maximising revenues. We discovered a real need that publishers have and need to fill. The great thing about B2B is the ability to talk with your clients directly and get their feedback instantly, which then allows us to perfect our product and suit their needs.

Message from the founder:

״Starting a business is complicated — team building, funds raising, technical development, gaining traction. But there’s one thing that you should always keep simple — your product. Simple to explain (to investors, clients and end users), Simple to use and Simple to deliver.״



Yony Golan

Looking for creative and untraditional seed stage tech ventures! #innovation #surfing #israelistartup #Japanesestartup