10 Tips for Efficient Meetings from Uber-successful Leaders [Infographic]

2 min readDec 21, 2017


Meetings suck. They’re often boring, disruptive, and inefficient. They often drag on to the point where your eyelids are drooping. Your mind starts wandering. Eventually, you can barely pay attention. But they don’t have to be like that. Efficient meetings can, and do, happen.

Which is important to know, even as you’re just starting your career. Why? Because as a young professional, you will be expected to participate fully in meetings. And, eventually, you’ll lead them.

How to Participate and Lead Efficient Meetings

According to a study by Verizon, the average professional attends roughly 60 meetings per month. So obviously, meetings are an important and necessary part of business. So rather than succumb to the mind-numbing form that most meetings seem to take, what can you? Stand out by turning bad sessions into good, and by starting the meetings you’re asked to lead the right way.

After all, when efficient meetings exist, they become powerful collaborative tools. And those that lead them get noticed by all the right people.

This infographic from GetVOIP can help. Here, you’ll learn tips from today’s uber-successful leaders, including Zuckerberg, Bezos, Branson, and Winfrey. From deciding if a meeting is actually necessary to establishing ground rules, to enabling a follow-up mechanism, everything you need to run efficient meetings is in here.

So go ahead. Embrace meetings. And stand out as a highly-productive, efficient colleague and leader along the way!

efficient meetings

Originally published at The Savvy Intern by YouTern.




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