7 Job Interview Body Language Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them) [Infographic]

1 min readJan 11, 2017


At a job interview, the very first impression happens before you answer a single question. In fact, the evaluation begins the moment you open the door. You know that your appearance is a factor, of course. But the way you carry yourself, your job interview body language, can be just as significant.

And every little thing can make a big difference. For example: striding into the room confidently and making immediate eye contact is essential. Two-thirds of employers say that lack of eye contact is the candidate’s biggest mistake. But there are more subtle behaviors that can be just as damaging. Poor posture. A weak handshake. Even looking around the room frequently makes you appear less than confident.

To the rescue: This infographic from OnStride Financial! Here, they show seven of the most common job interview body language mistakes. More important, they show to avoid those mistakes.

So you are ready to open that door and make a great first impression, take a close look!

job interview body language

Originally published at The Savvy Intern by YouTern.




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