Hiring Trends to Watch in the Second Half of 2017 [Infographic]

1 min readMay 19, 2017


As we enter this graduation season, people from all over the country enter the workforce. But do they really know what they’re getting into? Do they know the hiring trends for the second half of 2017?

2017 Hiring Trends

This infographic from CareerBuilder breaks down the results of their Annual Job Forecast for 2017 — and some insightful trends emerge. From higher starting wages and less experience required for many jobs, CareerBuilder predicts an employee-favorable market. For top hiring fields, including IT, customer service and also sales, this is a great time to enter the workforce. So look ahead with a smile on your face…

After all, 2017 looks like a very good year to start a fulfilling career!

hiring trends

Originally published at The Savvy Intern by YouTern.




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