#InternPro Chat: Resolutions Suck! How to Create Actionable Career Goals for 2018

2 min readDec 8, 2017


actionable career goals

2018 is fast approaching, and with the new year comes one of the most disappointing traditions… the New Year’s resolution. Why disappointing? Because we’ve all made resolutions that, in the end, only make us feel bad when we break them (usually on January 2nd). Yes, resolutions suck.

So, this year, instead of making vague resolutions about losing weight, lessening your caffeine intake, changing bad habits or finding that dream job, let’s focus on setting real, actionable career goals. After all, whether you’re looking to move forward or, perhaps, make a career change, it’s important to set goals. And the InternPro community is here to help.

Stop by this Monday evening, December 11th and join the discussion about setting measurable, actionable career goals for the coming year.

Here Are the Questions We’ll be Asking:

Q1: What was the last career goal that you set and achieved? What was your key to success?

Q2: Why do many resolutions fail? Despite the best intentions when looking ahead to next year, why do we come up short?

Q3: Your thoughts? “I’m just trying to survive while paying off my debts. I don’t have the time energy to set goals.”

Q4: What are some best practices for goal setting you’ve learned over the years? Are SMART goals the way to go?

Q5: What’s the difference between the goal makers and the achievers? What do each of them do well… and not so well?

Q6: Throughout the year, what’s an effective strategy to measure progress toward our goal? What resources help most?

Q7: How do we know when our goals are no longer reasonable? How do we create and execute a strategic pivot?

Q8: My number one goal for 2018 is _____. I will achieve that goal because of my _____.

Join the conversation! As you’ll learn, with a little planning, and also some help from the InternPro community, your career resolutions for 2018 don’t have to suck.

As for giving up that daily, double-shot espresso… that’s on you.

Originally published at The Savvy Intern by YouTern.




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