#InternPro Chat: Soft Skills: Who Says My Communication Skills Suck?

2 min readJul 21, 2017


communication skills

Today, more than ever before, potential employers are placing greater emphasis on soft skills. But soft skills are notoriously hard to quantify. Your communication skills, however, are on display from the moment you make contact.

This makes them extremely important to your success. Considering their importance, you might wonder why we don’t think about them more often. Where do you learn communication skills, how do you improve them, and how do they affect your career?

For the answers to these questions and more, join us Monday, July 24th at 9pm EDT for #InterPro Chat.

This week, we’ll engage in an in-depth discussion of communication skills and how they impact your career. So join us! Who knows? You might even get a chance to practice those communication skills in front of a community that cares about your soft skills!

Here are the questions we’ll be asking Monday night:

Q1: Agree or disagree? Why or why not? “Communication is the skill young careerists struggle with most after college.”

Q2: What is higher education’s role in preparing young talent to communicate well once they hit the workforce?

Q3: How does a “lack of communication skills” — either written or oral — show up in the workplace?

Q4: I’m articulate and a good writer, but I have trouble influencing people to do what I ask. How do I improve this?

Q5: What well-known businessperson has communication skills young professionals should emulate? What makes them good?

Q6: How do you know if your skills need work? Who can give you honest feedback about this critical skill?

Q7: Okay, so let’s say my communications skills DO suck. Where do I go — or what do I do — to get better?

Q8: The three things that make me a good to great communicator are ______, ______ and ______.

Bring your best answers to these questions — and be ready to ask a few of your own.

After all, it’s all about communication!

Originally published at The Savvy Intern by YouTern.




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