Killing Time or Wasting Time: Avoiding Distractions at Work [Infographic]

2 min readAug 2, 2017


We all wish we could manage our time better. And most companies want employees who exhibit time management skills. But taking control of time is about more than just working efficiently and productively throughout the day. Just ask yourself, how much of your life do you spend wasting time? When you look at your day from the moment you wake up until you return to bed, you may not see wasted time. If you don’t, you may need to look again.

Wasting Time

When you find yourself “just killing time” until the next task begins you run the risk of wasting time. Do you watch too much TV — spend too much time on social media? Of course, sometimes it’s out of your control like commuting or time spent checking emails. But even these moments can be reclaimed. This infographic from reveals the top ten things that waste our time. It also, however, teaches you some strategies to take it back.

There are plenty of distractions throughout the day that you can do nothing about. And it is important to set aside time to have fun and do what you like to do. But you don’t have to give up valuable moments and hours to the most common time killers in life.

Take a page from Rep. Maxine Waters and start reclaiming your time today!

wasting time

Originally published at The Savvy Intern by YouTern.




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