Social Media Red Flags that Can Cost You the Job [Infographic]

2 min readJan 2, 2018


2018 is upon us. By now, everyone knows your social media profiles and posts can have a negative effect on your job search. But they can also help you land the job. In this increasingly social world, the key is to use social media wisely to hone your image and perfect your brand. At the start of the new year, take a few minutes to review your online presence. Specifically, pay close attention to the social media red flags that can cost you the job of your dreams.

Social Media Red Flags in 2018

The first question to ask yourself is, “What are the social media red flags that will trip you up today?” Believe it or not, the answer to this question frequently changes. This infographic from GreatResumesFast lays out the current trends in what to look out for as you make your new year review. For instance, posting selfies on social media no longer causes the problems it once did. Recruiters have softened on that score. Yes… you still want to avoid that picture of you in your underwear with a beer in one hand and a bong in the other.

Of course, social media can also establish your brand and broadcast your skills accomplishments in ways a resume just can’t. So as you’ll see, the infographic also provides insight into what recruiters really want to see on your social media pages. It tells you what you can, and probably should, post to give yourself a better chance of landing the job.

The social landscape changes all the time. So make sure your online presence is ready for 2018.

social media red flags

Originally published at The Savvy Intern by YouTern.




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