The Entry-Level Interview: What Everyone Wants to Know [Infographic]

2 min readJan 11, 2018


Your first real job interview is fast approaching. Oh, you’ve had interviews before, but that 5 minutes at some retail outlet doesn’t really count. This is your career. So, you did all the research and checked all the career websites for tips and pointers. But all of those tips assume you’ve done this before. Right now, you need advice for an entry-level interview.

Acing the Entry Level Interview

An interview for an entry level job can be a lot different than other job interviews. You may not have the success stories to tell or the personal triumphs to laud. Often, you won’t have extensive experience in the industry to trumpet. So your education and soft skills need to open the door.

An entry level interview is all about selling your potential rather than your experience.

This infographic from The Resume Writing Lab can help you take the first steps. Filled with tips and advice particularly beneficial for your first interview. Follow these basic tips, and you’ll be selling your upside while making a great first impression.

Everyone goes through their first-ever real set of job interviews. But don’t worry. Soon you’ll be off and running in your new career!

entry-level interview

Originally published at The Savvy Intern by YouTern.




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