The Future Workforce: 10 In-Demand Skills for 2020 [Infographic]

2 min readNov 6, 2017


It’s no secret: the world of work is changing rapidly. So those of us just beginning our careers can be sure of one thing… the future workforce won’t look a lot like today’s. In fact, the skills that are in-demand today may be virtually irrelevant in just a few years.

So, what are the skills most likely to be in-demand in 2020?

Skills for the Future Workforce

This infographic from shows the top ten most in-demand skills at the beginning of the next decade. From problem solving, to critical thinking, to emotional intelligence… it’s in here.

Do you notice a theme? Many of the skills most likely to be in demand center on flexibility and thinking outside of the box. Clearly, the future workforce demands us to be skilled in adaptation and reinvention — the skills most important to the near future of many businesses.

Career success in life is like a winning a highly-competitive chess game… you have to think ahead.

So take a few minutes and compare the ten in-demand skills to those you’ve mastered so far. Then plan ahead to acquire the skills you’ll need to succeed just a few short years from now.

future workforce

Originally published at The Savvy Intern by YouTern.




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