Want a Solid Online Presence? Know the Psychology of Sharing [Infographic]

2 min readSep 27, 2017


Our posts, pictures, and even our digital comments reflect back on us and create our online presence. So before you post, maybe you should get to know the psychology of sharing?

What do your sharing habits say about you? How do they impact your online reputation?

The Psychology of Sharing and Your Online Reputation

Sharing is human nature. When we see something we find interesting or helpful we just naturally want to let others know. We share information about our jobs, articles that express our opinions, and even recipes for our favorite foods. No doubt: we reveal a lot in what we choose to share.

But do we really understand the psychology of sharing? Do we know what our sharing habits say about us?

Take a look at this infografic from StatPro.com to find out what your sharing habits say about you. Here, you’ll see if you’re perceived online as a Hipster, a Careerist or maybe a Connector. Or maybe you’re a Selective, and Altruist or what is known as a Boomerang. Just as important, after taking a look at the infographic, you’ll better understand how and why we share information online, and how that sharing impacts our personal brand.

So, share and share alike. After all, that’s what social media is all about. But be careful… the quality of your online presence is stake.

psychology of sharing

Originally published at The Savvy Intern by YouTern.




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