Enough of “Curated” Content

Let’s Get Real!

3 min readApr 3, 2014


My name is Felix and I’m the Founder of YourCard.

I understand the importance of putting out content. It serves many purposes. It offers some benefits to current users, helps spread the word about us and potentially drives more traffic.

That is why we have been putting out “curated” content a few times per day for the last couple of weeks.

By “curated” I mean, we used Scoop.it to gather articles that we believed would be of interest to you and then scheduled posts via Buffer (a great service btw, that you should try).

This is the EASY and rather automated way to offer content to your target market. And honestly that’s why we choose to go this route. Real blogging is difficult. It takes time, effort and honestly a lot of skill.

But after offering curated content for two weeks, I feel that it does not fit in with the rest of our values at YourCard.

I feel that offering “curated” content is just another Me Too offering. The same article is being posted by thousands of others. Where is the value in that?

Being a new startup, I feel that we must establish our core values now if we are to make YourCard a success. One of those values is to not be a Me Too!

Everything we do should be done the way that we feel is right and to stay away from doing what others are doing just because it’s easier.

This is why I have made the decision to start this blog and produce our own content. Now that is not to say that we won’t share content created by others once in a while. There are many people who are smarter and better then us and what they say is important and should be shared with you.

Due to current bootstrapping nature of YourCard, we cannot afford a dedicated blogger. So majority of the content will be produced by me for the time being (I will also try and talk the rest of the team into pitching in)

There are downsides to me creating our own content.

1) I suck at writing. Thank god for spell check. This is where I play my “English is my second language card” Which is true. I was born in Kiev, Ukrain. I speak Russian, English and some basic Spanish. I also understand some other Eastern European languages and one day hope to learn Japanese. But I promise that the more I blog, it will improve. Just please bear with me ☺

2) There is no way that I will be able to push out a few posts per day. There is just too much on my plate right now. I will do my best and post as things come up. But once or twice per week is more likely. On the upside, it will be original content and offer a window into my life as well as into the happenings at YourCard.

3) I feel that it is important to be honest and as transparent as possible. (I was really impressed by this from Buffer and can only aspire to be as gutsy as they are) But with honesty and transparency comes truth. And from my experience, that can be a double edged sword. One one hand, truth is good, but on the other, truth can hurt feelings. So at times, I may offend some of you. But please understand that it’s not my intention. If you read something that you disagree with, please let me know. I’d love to hear from you. You can email me personally at felix@yourcard.co

So there you have it. Prepare yourself for interesting yet sporadic and sometimes a “bit too blunt” articles from me and the team at YourCard

Thank you for your support,

- Felix




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