Your Exterior Pros
2 min readSep 12, 2017


How to Choose the Best Metal Roofing in Savannah GA

There are many reasons why you should choose metal roofing in Savannah GA. Metal is more durable than asphalt and rubber, cedar and even clay. Metal roof is sturdier and more reliable. There is little to no maintenance required depending on the age of the roof and the quality of metal chosen. Metal roof is more expensive than asphalt and a tad costlier than rubber but it also offers a greater return on investment. Metal roofing in Savannah GA had been confined to warehouses and commercial properties. Now it is just as common in homes.

Despite the various merits of metal roofing, there are possibilities of going wrong with your choice. There are great asphalt tiles and poor quality asphalt shingles. There is good quality EPDM and poor quality rubber. Likewise, there is almost impeccable metal roofing and poor quality metal shingles or tiles. You should explore all your choices in metal roofing and pick the best.

• Do your research and find out the best brands given the choice of metal and type of metal roof you want. Some metals are more expensive than others. There are materials that combine more than one metal. There are many upgrades to normal metal tiles or shingles. You could get stone coated or corrugated metal roofing. There are many advantages of such choices but you would also pay more. No matter which specific type of metal you want and the form, find the best manufacturers of the same. Do not buy from a random company about whom you don’t know much or not much information is available in the public domain.

• Always give importance to the warranty. The warranty is not just some protection you seek or an assurance from a manufacturer that defects will be taken care of and your investment will be secured for a select number of years. Warranty is a manifestation of the company’s trust in its own product. Metal roof should come with at least a decade or two of warranty. Manufacturers offering thirty years warranty on metal roofs is not unheard of.

• Finally, you must check out the options or the inventory of a company. You should be able to choose from different metals, styles, coatings, designs, colors and patterns. You should be able to choose from panels, tiles and sheets of various sizes and shapes. This will allow you to have the best metal roofing in Savannah GA.



Your Exterior Pros

We are an exteriors company located in Savannah Georgia. We proudly provide the best roofing, siding, gutters, windows and more. —