How the YJ reputation widget will help DAOs, communities, e-commerce and couples on Tinder
8 min readMay 13, 2022


We have finished the YJ prototype and will soon open our reputation engine for user testing. In the meantime we are talking with our product manager Andreas Dorau about how YourJustice should (and can) make the lives of communities and DAOs members brighter and more efficient, improve existing and future services and accelerate innovation in businesses and communities. Why would it be cool to integrate blockchain-based reputation into Tinder? Why would HR managers need YJ? And how do the bounty programs tie into it? Spoiler: we’re creating a “marketplace of people” for web3, where reputation will be both the main social capital and a guarantee of security in b2b and p2p segments.

Our expert

Andreas Dorau. Studied financial management and information systems development. Worked in the field of repair equipment for nuclear power plants, participated in the management of the crypto exchange. Been in crypto since time immemorial. Seen old-timers mining, was one of them himself. Now he is a YJ product manager.

1.Why would communities, housing cooperatives and collywings need the YJ widget?

– We provide an easy to learn and transparent reputation platform where you can create your own laws and rate users. Therefore, DAOs and any community can use all of these management tools for their needs by quickly integrating with our service. With the help of YJ you can quickly resolve disputes between users, implement Governance, increase the efficiency and speed of decision-making.

The simplest example — someone ate someone else’s sausage in the fridge, which often happens in colivings. Or someone parked their car in the wrong place, which didn’t please their neighbor — a typical situation for a residential community. Or borrowed some money and did not give it back on time. In all cases, the aggrieved user submits a case on our platform, provides evidence and minuses the one who did wrong. Or, on the contrary, rewards if the user did something good. For example, if they did a general cleanup. Or planted thujas at the entrance. Reputation then inevitably affects the behavior of every user and the effectiveness of the entire community.

In the YJ prototype, each user has three rating scales: personal, professional and community. In future versions, it will be possible for different jurisdictions to create their own scales, whatever they want. It will be possible to describe specific roles, so we could determine in what exact role we rate a person. There will be the Humanity jurisdiction. There will be the ability to add profiles of people who are not yet registered on the platform. Economics will also be added to the rating system — monetary penalties or, conversely, accruals. Speaking of monetizing your rating: if the rules of jurisdiction allow it, then why not?

– We want all the conflicts to be solved peacefully, — Andreas continued. — We are now discussing, among other things, reputational compensation and pre-trial dispute resolution. Going back to simple examples: if a guilty community member promises not to park their car anywhere else, or the debtor repays the debt, the cases can be withdrawn.

YJ prototype

2. How can YJ help DAOs and how can the platform improve the efficiency of your business?

There is no centralized management in a DAO, the decision-making processes are governed by the voting of participants. With some reservations — somewhere there are voting tokens, somewhere you need to have a decent reputation to vote. In this context, YJ should become an important infrastructural element. By creating your own jurisdiction and the rules within it, you decide how and who will participate in governance. The reputational part, on the other hand, allows you to shield the concept of your DAO from the influence of “random people”.

– All of this will be absolutely necessary in the web-3 world, — Andres believes. — By voting we avoid bureaucracy and are able to quickly respond to changes. For example, your community or special economic zone needs to switch to a new cryptocurrency. In a jurisdiction created on YJ, you quickly hold a transparent referendum and make the decision. Or the issue of legalizing unmanned cabs. At the level of existing systems, it’s a long and painful process. Progress is stalled. With YJ, you can quickly bring the law to a vote of your DAO members, and the decision will be made by a majority of active members, innovators, rather than “dinosaurs” who have a monopoly on power.

Or maybe not — in any case, the process will be transparent to everyone.

– If we’re talking about business, YJ, by eliminating bureaucracy and unnecessary decision-making chains, will enable us to optimize processes and distribute funds more efficiently. Our reputation widget will be useful in b2b. You no longer have to search for a counterparty in the database, all reporting will be stored in an open form. Documents cannot be forged. And the business itself will decide by what criteria it wants to interact with a potential partner.

For example, someone glorifies militarism or is noticed in environmental scandals, although from a professional point of view they have a top reputation. You decide — is professionalism alone enough for a partnership, or is the “ethical” side just as important — and it’s better not to start communicating?

It’s the same with the unrecognized states. The Principality of Seborga lives within the borders of Italian Liguria and considers itself independent. It has no possibilities to organize standard management procedures — it’s a long and expensive process. With the help of YJ, it creates jurisdiction, creates laws, accepts them or not by voting with a smartphone. No need to spend money on centralized software from monopolists in this field, because all the code is in the public domain, and even physically move around. Automating processes makes the system flexible. No need for paper contracts, smart contracts are enough. No need for an approving authority or a notary-certified seal.

3. Is it necessary to rate employees and how will our tool help HR managers?

– The platform will be useful for HR managers, — Andreas continues. — In the real world, many companies use a system where employees rate each other anonymously, such forms of surveys are not always trustworthy. We, on the other hand, provide a transparent tool on blockchain. For example, someone overstepped the mark, said something rude, made a mistake — when they see that their rating went down, they will try to cover this fall with good deeds in the future. Yes, history cannot be erased, but everyone should have the right to compensate for their mistakes.

It is possible to focus on the positive — for example, to give employees extra credit for a good joke in the chat, overtime, helping outside of work and so on. These are the laws we have now developed for the YJ team. And it’s motivating.

A successful option, from our point of view, would be to use YJ in various bounty programs. You can transparently and effectively rate those who have performed better than others for the project. And after that the distinguished ones will be able to monetize their rating.

Photo by Yogas Design on Unsplash

4. What services can YJ be integrated into and why the future belongs to the “people marketplace”

– Tens of millions of people use Tinder every day. It is clear that among them there are many who are capable of aggression and violence. This is a big problem, — Andreas gives another example from life. — It would be great if you could check the reputation of a potential partner before meeting him. Having that indelible reputation in itself would deter potential abusers and would give you a sense of security before meeting a stranger. And it is extremely simple to organize it. You set up an account, sign it through Metamask or another wallet, link it, add a photo. Then the “match” happens. After 24 hours, Tinder asks: “Have you met?” And offers a YJ widget to rate your partner on different scales — communication, gallantry, toxicity, etc.

The same story with freelance job search services — contact, work, the result in the form of reputation for two parties. In fact, the existing services may not be needed. By making YJ a marketplace of people, the relationship between employer and employee will be direct, without intermediary commissions (which are sometimes 30 percent or more) — just pay for gas to confirm a smart contract.

The contractor presses the button to confirm the completion of the order, the customer confirms the receipt. The money is automatically transferred. In case of disputes, it is possible to file a case against each other. Everything is decentralized and transparent, and the feedback on the performer and the customer will remain honest. Unlike what we often see in web-2.

In e-commerce, the YJ widget will also simplify and secure the transaction process. You can interact after checking each other’s reputation. It is possible that in the future trading platforms will be unnecessary. You will be able to do everything via Telegram or Discord and our “insurance” widget.

– In fact, we are saying that it is possible to automate any interaction between people by removing unnecessary intermediaries from the chain, by making communication as transparent and secure as possible thanks to our platform, — Andreas concludes.

5. Is it possible to corrupt judges and forge reputations?

In the real world this is not so difficult, and in some places it happens regularly. YJ provides several options for protection.

– Our judges are randomly selected and they are also blindly checked by pre-selected validators — honorary community citizens who have agreed to participate in the checking process. This basically eliminates corruption and creates additional responsibility. The judge knows about the secondary control and seeks to give the right verdict. Again, judges can also be rated. You can even file cases against them. And they will answer for their mistakes, including financially.

6. What else? What is the benefit for an average person?

  • DAOs, communities and organizations will be able to invite only those participants who are close to their values. And you can get access to a long list of potential candidates in one click (if a person leaves a tick in their profile — “open to communites”).
  • YJ widget can be used as a PR tool for marketers to manage brand reputation — independent and incorruptible.
  • For an average person, YJ, a cross-platform reputation widget, would be a handy way to showcase their portfolio when applying for a job. Yes, in any business, in any communication. In fact, you can turn reputation into social capital. And if your reputation is positive, you can make a profit.

About YourJustice.

YourJustice is a blockchain platform where anyone can create a virtual jurisdiction based on values and enforced by code. Currently building a Web3 Reputation layer.

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Laws and justice 3.0 for communities, states and sovereign individuals