Traditional Versus Modern Methods of Cooking

Mohammad Yousaf Sakhi
3 min readOct 5, 2023


How people used to cook four decades before?

The picture shared by Neam Wafa in Social Media

As I looked at the picture, a feeling of nostalgia washed over me. Memories of my own experiences cooking on the open DedGo flooded my mind. It was a time when gathering firewood and manually igniting the flames were essential parts of our daily routine. However, as I gazed at the image, I couldn't help but appreciate how much cooking technology has progressed.

In the past, cooking on open fires was not only a way to prepare meals but also a way of life. It required physical strength and endurance to collect firewood and maintain the fire. Hours were spent tending to the flames, ensuring that the food was cooked perfectly. It was a labor-intensive process that demanded our attention and energy.

Nevertheless, with the introduction of modern cooking appliances like gas stoves and electric ovens, the burden of manual labor has significantly decreased. These appliances offer a more convenient and efficient way of cooking. With just a turn of a knob or a press of a button, we can now control the heat and cook our meals in a fraction of the time.

Reflecting on this, I realized that these advancements in cooking technology have brought numerous benefits to our lives. Not only do they save us time and energy, but they also allow us to focus on other aspects of our lives. We no longer have to spend hours tending to the fire, giving us more time to spend with loved ones or pursue our passions.

Moreover, modern cooking methods have had a positive impact on the environment as well. Traditional open fires required large amounts of firewood, leading to deforestation and the depletion of natural resources. In contrast, modern appliances require less fuel, reducing our reliance on these precious resources and minimizing our carbon footprint.

While it is important to embrace these advancements and enjoy the convenience they bring, it is equally important to preserve our traditional cooking methods. These practices hold cultural significance and provide a connection to our roots. They remind us of simpler times and the importance of self-sufficiency.

As I continued to contemplate the picture, I realized that finding a balance between modern technology and traditional methods is key. We can appreciate the convenience of modern appliances while still honoring our heritage by occasionally cooking on open fires or using traditional cooking techniques. This way, we can maintain our cultural identity while embracing the benefits that technology has to offer.

In conclusion, the image of my childhood village neighbors cooking on a dry tree pinnacle served as a reminder of how technology has transformed our cooking practices. From the labor-intensive open fires made from stones or tins to the convenience of gas stoves and electric ovens, cooking has become more efficient and convenient. While we should embrace these advancements, it is important to also value and preserve our traditional cooking methods to maintain our cultural heritage.



Mohammad Yousaf Sakhi

A believer in the power of stories to create a more beautiful world. Here to share my insights and transform mindsets through writing and reading. #Transforming